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■ ■ ' Consign Your I m Fat Stock " to the W.M.E. Co. It ie no experiment yon will be "trying out" consigning to , the WELLINGTON MEAT EXPORT CO., LTD., Ngahaurane* and Kakariki. Their method* and laeilltiei enable thorn to handle the largeet doneignment with ease. Let them Freeze Your Fat Stock. The Company buys Fat Stock of nil descriptions; or, if elienle dosire, will freeze on tlioiracrocmt when proceeds will be paid them by the New Zealand Government. The Company, or any of tho £■■ undernoted Buyer*, will give fnll HH V"irticulari on roqaest m to I l>rioo*:— I ];. 1 , . .Swiiins'iji. I'l-ildiiifr;. Tel. No IUI •,1 A. Iveul, Aranmlio, Tel. No. 171. Waiiirinnii Ivxi'lianye. I' , . M. Hiokimin. M;m»n. Tul. No. 165 .!. MoDnnnoll. Iliintorviltf. S. S. Tiuilj~, Tniliaju , , Tel. No. 13t)» To Fatten the Flock, Feed the Land Whfil is kirrou-oil from (lie Jnnd must bo repaid in kind. W.M.K. Co. Manures are composed largely of Animal inn I for, and restore tne f.'iUi'iitnir olumenls to Hie soil. Analysis mv] prii'o list pasted on rfijm-ft. Si-ei-i'it Manure prepared tooi'icr, Wellington an Meat Export Co., Ltd. fl - W& Office: Maritime Buildinr* SI C'uMonihou«> Quay. Wellington fl *IZ «J Vv'o liavo a. Jfr. good stoc. /ffi&xfc^ GOGGLES "<^^^V^ All prices. iVo tost the refraction of tho eyes by pcientifio luothods. llesults guaranteed and prices reasonable. J. S.TINGEY Chemist and Ophthalmic Optician Fei-Russon Street. FKILDING GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS Just Arrived at HARFORD and SONS' FIRST CONSIGNMENT OF 1920. WALU'APERS rrillE,SE Pniicrs have boon specially X solfi't«'d fill- the FcildinK district, and aiv tin- first of 'our coiiMgniiifi.ts t.-xpfcK'd during tho UO.vt "f«-«" wi-ck-. Inspection invitwi. NOTlC—Those wx-re on tho Wiitoi before tin? lat- abnormal rise in Wjillp;ij»i-i>.. -M«nv oidt'is bave been can'.llc'l. but \v.> :irc Jurtunuto in :i « ,)l » ( l to from. < ill] and m>o for youi>olvc>s at lIARFORD I SONS TIIK RED MOUSE ■I; p J I Jij * —Ti\a • end plays ihfna perfectly ? without extra •UocliiDcnl. Auk jour local "Sonora" Agnit to lei y»tt hear tJii* superior machine. \ HKD fX)R BOOKLETS TO 1 * 1 \ Mm J F.J. FINNY, ltd. [ \\<) Willi.-, Street, ©^ 0. A. FAIRWEATHER, F«ildino. District Agont: Could not Sleep for Pain WAjyN's \v6nl>ek-wool acts LIKK A CHARM. How uftiii hiivn you paused a eleeploa paiur , — tUo agoiueinj pains of Khun mutism and Sciatica, or th< »cuto pimiH of Toothache, Earache, Neu Neuritis, eto. Wawn'e Wonder Woul Stops Pain, and induces refreshing sloop. Mr. W. CaiiflingH, of Cut Bock lioad, IJtivrow, Biiye :—"lt is with pleasure ] write to tell of the gmit relief I got fron using , your Woud«r- Wool. I hare been a chronic eulforer from Kheamatism in tht hi]) and knee for the last five years, th« p;iina from which are oxcraciating, co inucb bo, that I was very often unable to sleep until I used your Wonder-Wool, whioh eiinplj acts like i<. clmrin, immodidtoly curing the paiu, and iha to get my full night'a rpst." Wiiwn's Wonder-Wool ie a niodiCitled wool that gunerates bent, stimulates circulation, disjicla blood congestion and Stops Pain. Ahvjiye keep it in the home —you never know when pain will 2/6 a packet, of all CheiuiKts ;unl Stores, or direct from V. A. Wawn, Manufacturing Chemist, 186 George Street, Sydnoy, N.S.W. 1 B Step that SBif 1, '* 1 COUPJIIIOW fM is !i,. b:: ■.- :'■ '■:■!:.■ 11l -.i -V"'J V fc-r--. ■•.'-■•- ■. :*■/ ~* fc.;l ...v —.. .. .... ~.. .j('..Jj.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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555Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.