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SPECIAL PURCHASE OF PURE SILK SHIRTS , AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES WB have neen . fortunate. » •ecoring a big range <•' theqe goods «t OLD VALUER and intend giving our Customet the BENEFIT. As all Silk Ooode have advance* enormously in price, it, wQI *h quickly realised what this to buyers, and more eu m it i* a reoognieed fact that we are careful to atock only RELIABLE GOODtt. The Styles a.-c in both NEGLIGi and TKNNIS. (lIAITKII BROS. GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTER* F.EILCINO THE STORE FOR SMART FOOTWEAR WHEW YOU BUY <■: ■ ■ (JRfICERIES There are Three Important t I'oints t<» be considered. They should- l» .KfIESH, CLEAN, and of a GOOD QUALITY ■ Our Groceries are of the beat* quality, are always fresh and pu' up in Dent wrappers and attrao tire packages, by which convenience. and elegance art Gocured.4 You-can always depend upon get ting the following lint* here freab an.d in prime condition: Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Hans and Cheest.-Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, ans Cheeolate, Spices; Jams and Tinned Goods cf all kinds. KENDALLS POPULAR- STORE '■ <F.'KENDALL, Proprietor.) Grocery Crockery, ironmongery, etc.. ! Efemiie 25. i Manchester £>troet. FEILDING I To JLta ami For {Sale. I-_ ' ' I CWit SALE.—Lady's Bicycle, in ' ! X good order. Apply South street. ; opposite Kowhai Park, Feilding. IjjiOß SALE.--House, with 11 Acres ~. of ground, price £1250. cash, lottuns. from P. 0.. Apply W., I SALE.—Seagruss Pram, in -■ good order. Apply Mrs East, 1 oole street. '' .—— i -' SALE.—Good Building Sec- - tions, Dr. Johnson's Estate I fwrs Estate, Montague street, Grey ; street, etc. Prices right. Terms easy I Apply Ratliff. Land Agency. FOR SALE—White Leghorn Cockerels, from heavy laying strum; three real beauties now ready, prices very reasonable. Apply to A A. Marshall, Cassan Halcombe. ; :3usuuTsSs;i : -^ : ">'■■:- : X. suitable for. ladies; old established. Apply 778, Star Office. SALE.—Coach-built Pram, double seater; everything new. A bargain. Apply W Kimbolton road IfOlt SALE.—3O Acres of Dairy Laud, near Feilding; good quality. Address Creek, Makino. FOR SALE.—6-roomed House, Denbigh street; i-acre. Price £575. , Also good corner section, Denbigh street, l-3rd acre; price £160. Apply T. F. FitzGerald, Kirnbolton road. FOR SALE.—o-roomed Dwellia*. South street: i-acre: b. and c. water, «.!,, eto. Price £760. £17/. cash, poaseseion one week. C. Gru Agent, Feilding. FOR SALE.—S4 Acres Freehold, close to Otaki. Good buildings. All level. Price £46 10s per acre. £1000 cash. Apply Rathif Land Agency. FOR SALE.-7-roomed Dwelling Manchester street; h. and o. water, gas. Price £725. Easy term*. 0. Grut, Agent, Fcilding. SPLENDID LITTLE HOME FOR SALE. NICE Up-to-Date Residence, all conveniences, and just been renovated throughout. 6" rooms, bathroom, etc., washhouse, copper and tubs. Axea of laud, 3 roods. Price, £1200. Terms arranged to suit. (1308) VICTOR E. SMITH, Land Agent, Feilding. FOR SALE.—Several good secondhand Motor Gycies. Thorough* ly overhauled. Reasonable price*. TREASURE CYCLE CO. X7"OU can get IT Cheaper at tha FEILDING CLOTHING COMPANY. HOUSEWIVES, save your money. Freshen up' Old and Half-worn Faded Garments by using McKensie'a Safe Cloth Cleaner. Acts like magic. 2s 6d per bottle, at Messrs John Oobbf and Co., Drapers, Feilding, FOR SALE. 444 ACRES DRAlkfiD SWAMP, Equal to the Kairaugia. /1.J./L At?llES » Freehold, situated TCTCTc 4 miles from Te Awainutu. The property is all rich, drained swamp, well"fenced, and subdivided. \ Dwelling of 6 rooms and all neceshary outbuildings. Carrying now and bred on the property, 1500 ewes aud lambs .and 80 head of cattle, witlibut artificial feed. If this is not wortlf £45 an acre, well, what is? Cash required, £3000. Balance 5-7 yeai* at 5 -J per cent. -j h ACRES, just outside Feilding JL \) borougli. Price and terni* very easy. No buildings. For particulars, apply to the agent, R. PRATT. Feilding. HOUSK PROPERTY FOR SALE. fT-ROOAIED HOUSE, bathroom, ?) scullery, ])ot water, electric light, sewerage. Large shed, concrete footpaths, good orchard and garden. One aero of land, corner section. Price £1850. Terms, £1350. (133 C* VICTOR E. SMITH, , Land Agent, Feiklirit. /HoHRF/S for Half-price bargains, v.y Thursday, Friday, aiYnl Saturday. See Windows. As a iitting wind up of a very successful and truly record-breaking barmin sale. John Cobbe and Co. ifr« holding three special half-price bargun days. Head their scatters in today's issue , . Then make the best of •■in , importunity, ■ I. i / ■■'.-'. ■ . - ■' i* FOR SALE AT THE 4 LL-ROUND EXCHANGE, 3J r\ Donplas Motor Bike. Also Kins; I IJick and Triumph Mntor Bikes. All in good order. Percy Guy and Harry [Edwanla- Pn-prictore.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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723Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.