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TARPAULINS RICK COVIHI ARE always bandy for instant use. 1 They help to simplify weather conditions. No luxury—absolute necessity. A good Tarpaulin made from Scottish Duck is cheap. They outlaet any other material. See patterns in window; Any thing you require made from canvas. WM. \7 BISHOP TARPAULIN SPECIALISTS. Fergusson Street FEILDING Phone 188 IN THESE DAYS OF high prices and scarcity of labour it is . Cheaper aud much more Enjoyable to Dine at the PICCADILLY High-class Luncheon Rooms than to cook your meals at home. 3-Course LUNCHEON, 1/6 12 till 2 p.m. Fridays: 11 a.m. till 2 p.m. 3-Course LATE DINNER, 1/6 5 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. AFTERNOON TEAS A Specialty. PICCADILLY TEA ROOMS The Square FEILDING EARN £5 A WEEK. Be a Ventriloquist. This fascinating and money-making art can be easily learned by anyone in a few weeks. Complete course of 10 lessons. 2s 96 poit free. Send stamp for Illust.rat ed Catalogue. IDEAL NOVELTY CO. Box 643. Christchurch. SIMMER TIME , t IS CAMERA TIME THERE is no better time to start Photography than in Summer Time. ) The better light and longei days mean better < pictures. A Camera will provide fun aud education for the children, pictures of your . pastimes, your outings, and your holiday trips. If YOU HAVEN'T A CAMERA nilY ONE-NOWI It is possible to own one f<«j h few shillings, and the art oi picturc-niukine is simple. Anyone may learn to manipu late a Camera in half-an-hour. making good pictures from tin start. Wu stock Cameras and Photo graphic Requisites of every debcriptiou. • BROWNIES, from 11/ vpwards. KODAKS, from 45/-. LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU. i\ I R. CAMPBELL CHEMISTS AND OPTICIANS Mancheetei- Street FEJUHNd IMPERIAL DINING ROOMS FERGUSSON STREET (Next York Hotel.) OPEN all day for Choice and Dainty Meals, Cleanliness and Civility. Wanted. WANTED. -Man for half-day-a neck to cut lawn and attend to garden. Mis Unite, Kimbolton id. WANTED.— Capable General. Ap--I>l\ Mrs Uuxton, Hunfurly id. WANTED KNOWN.- Dressmaking and Plain Sewing, at home or by the day. 4lias lira by n, Manchester street (South). WANTED.— A Girl for housework. no washing. Apply Mrs L. A. Elliott, West street. WANTED. —Several young Women for Shop and Tea Rooms. E. Whitehead. WANTED. .Smart Girl as Waitress. Also mid-day Waitress. Apply Piccadilly Tea Rooms The Square. - Lost and Found. ITIOI/ND.— Between Feilding and Cheltenham, Lady's Umbrella. Perry's, Ltd. LOST. —Front Trucking Yard' on Jtmnary 81, 4 Store Cows, last fi-een going towards Rongotca. Finder please i.'ouimunicato with Abraham and Williams, Feilding. '■ Mitcaltaneout WANTED.- At the All-Round Kx-' change. Field Glasses. Biu Pulley, Massey-Harris Drill. WANTED.— To purchase, sor 6roonu\l House, with modern conveniences. No Agents. Apply ,}. i J toward, caro <Stau OfHcc. 17IRESH Flat and Round Fish on hand daily. All orders prompt- 1 ly attended to at the Imperial Fish Supply, Fergusson street. rfIRY OUK BREAD, Pies, anx! X Small Goods. AH of the Pc* 5 Quality. Also our Morning »!■■ Afternot-n Teas, The Daintien. W/TiNITA:.- To buy, I'ickle liotW tli-.s; bighent pikes given.> Bio:;., Forgii.ssim street. MOTORISTS.— For Radiator lupairs, Mudguards, Tanks l/iiiii[>s, elc.j.c.iiisult J. Coker. 7 Horestreet. Palineiston North '2( years' London experience. T>OYS' SUITS, 6/6. Be in tinn and secure >me at the FKtLDING CLOTHING COMPANY SCIENTIFIC Character Heading In return reg'stered mail. Tin ossonce of n|l knowlwlge is self know ledge. Send birth, date, month, yeai and postal note 5/-. to T. J. Dun. stone, Box 1418, Auckland. LADIES' HOSIERY, Sports Coat' and Costumes. Choice Self tio'i at Lowest Pi ices. FEILpLNCi CLOTHING COMPANY Half-prito Gpeii-' 'Miursd.-i , .-. Friday, and L'-jt'n day. f;n.;e Silk Sport:," Cost, slight' f'iiclwl, M'Jts 99,6, Special price i' ! t;. 4 only Cotton Spnrl-i Coats, old i" 'I and "champagne, were 7/11, Spec:;! , price 3/11. 1
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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621Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
Using This Item
Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.