By Electric Telegraph.— Copyright.) (Aust.-N.Z. CaMe Association.) Newcastle, February 10. Sailed : John Craig, for Gisborne; Knruiniko, for New Zealand. Sydney. February 10. Arrived at 3 p.m.: Maheno. Sailed at T: Manuka. Till-; KAURI IN PORT. (Received February 11, 10.5 a.m.) , Melbourne, Feb. 11. ; Arrived.--Kauri, from New Zealand
Tin , Union Co. advise that tlio H.iVI.S. Moana is due at Wellington next Saturday from San Francisco via ports. CARGO FROM CANADA. The N.Z. Shipping Co. Lave been :itlvised by cable that the Orari left St. John on January 26 cargo laden for Auckland. Wellington. Lytteltun, Tiimu'H, Melbourne, and Sydney. iUMUTAKA SAILS ON FItIDAYi The N.Z. Shipping Co. ! s liner Ilium taka, now completing her loading at Wellington, is to leave here about Friday for Southampton and London, via Panama and way ports. THE MEGANTIC. The White Star liner Megantic (advise IMgety and Co.) will eonya to I Wellington, and not to Auckland on I her way from Sydney to Panama, West Indies, and New York. Bunker supplies and passengers will be taken on board at Wellington, whjere she is 1 duo early .in March. THE SUSSEX. The Federal-Shire boat Sussex, which arrived at Auckland from New York on Saturday, is due at Wellington on Monday next. The vessel had an uneventful journey from Now York, although the voyage from England to that port was accompanied by bad weather. The Sussex left London on Nov. 14, going to. Avonmouth, where she loaded corrugated iron, and proceeded to Lmiisburg, Capo Breton ■ island, where she arrived on Dec. 10, being sis days overdue. They spent s.niif 10 days iv New York) and finally cleared Panama vii Jan. 10. From Auckland they go to Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. They have- some 8000 tons of cargo, of which 1600 arc lur Auckland. 11 -is expected that discharge tli'-re will take, about four days.' tin , V. and S. liner Kent left Panauia on Jan. 28 in continuation of her u>y;iu<! from England to New Zealaud. Tin' vessel is dm- at Auckland on Feb.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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