NOT AMERICAN BERNSTORFF. WORSE LUCK ! By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright.). (Aust.-N.Z. Press Association.) (Received February 11, 9.00 a.m.} London, Feb. 9. Tiir Beinstoril' iiientionod in tho Black Li»t is not the ex-Ambassador at Washintitofi. FRENCH & BELGIAN INTRIGUES. TO CREATE A RHINE ZONE. London, Feb. 6. A remarkable theory regarding the demand for the surrender of the Ger.iian war. criminals is Jjejnjg widely discussed in British circles. Accordm<l to this story, the French and Belgians secured control of the lists on tho ground that every Ally was entitled" to demand whoever it wished. riiey then framed 'the list in such a manner as to make acceptance impossible, and enable them to demand ocviiDfitiou o fthe Rhine, which was previously reused ~owjing to American opposition. The'dominant parties in France .and Belgium claim that national security requires a firm, hold on [lie Rhino territories. The French press supports this attitude. Gustav Herve writes: "We do not intend to annex the Rhine territories, ■ but. to perniaeently neutralise-.them. Foch demands this, but England and America refused it as too rigorous. We trust that this tini© the Allies will not oi)pose it." Tin- Prussian Parliament. has postnoned further legislation as a protest .lgninst surienders.llts membercs wore unanimous! in opposing the surrenders oxci-piiiiii the Independent Socialists who declared time Germany must not '.p endanueied for a few individuals. Gorman flying officers attached to tin l Allied Missions have resigned "from Llie army. This ih symptomatic of Ik- intense fooling amongst the edu••aU>(l elaw> (.igahrst France. The widespread outbursts of noisy exeeratiosn are but little less violent than it the most exciting period of the war. An examination shows that every German cotnniniulor on the "Western. 'rout, except vim llerringen, is inclu■liml in Use list. WITH. FOLDED ARMS. WILL HAND ON" I'M TO NKFTKALS Lk'iliu, Feb. 0. According to .i seiui-olncKil statement. thc*(»*oVenu»enl intends to emulate the I'oijijin Senators a wafting tho arrival of the Gauls, and, with folded arms, to allow events to take their, i-ourse. The Government is •willing to hand over those who are wanted to any neutral nation. GERMANY JUBILANT. ONLY A SCRAP OF PAPER. London, Feb. 9. The Berlin correspondent ■of tho Times states that Germany's object I since June has been to convert the Treaty into a scrap of paper.'There- - fore, she regards the. modification of the Black List a* a, great triumph.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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