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COMMENCES AT THE "P.D.C" on SATURDAY, Jan. 31, 1920, at 10 a.m. READ OF THESE STARTLING REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' COLTJMES. CREAM (..AIiEIvMHNE COS'ITMUK-Sinr.rt Ix-ltul mats, inset sk-cves. _ Sale price, 355. i l r jii ui'~, "lit.-i. 1ii.1., .Vis. (Jti. _ flj WHiTi-; \nd i;keam cotton i.;akki;i..j>;k costpmkk- -1.., 1s roil Sale price, 455. I collars, belied rout*. I*, " ! V'l-.'*. V.U. (id.. <>:K B EXTRA 'JUA.UTY ("lIEAM tJAIiIIK UINK ■:'«»S IrM MS Silo price, 555. ■ b'plto.l. silk sliU-licd. * suall.v U.V., (i7s. Oil., 725. (id. ■ BLACK AND WHITE GKEY CHECK COTTON COSTr.\IE*-K.:v.-n< Sale BNCef, 455. I collar, belli-1. l ,nw - M - ■ SILK FINISHED TUSSoUE •COTTON COST 1 "MES --Sitle belt* niid g a [ c pr | Ce . 555. |» « pockot.s. (-" s » ; il 1 )ri,,,, . -t'-' !»d.. .XI- .His. r » 1 ' COLOV ; Ki;i.) G.\l!Hi;j)lNl-; Coyrr.Mr.S-l'mlc 1.1.H-k. smart bolted g j j 55 i COI ,I H . I siial i'ltci-s, ;>!ts. (jil. nli'.l U-H • ' ■ « MOI-K ;-wl.()l Ki:i> IT til Sll.v ..(,f.'!T.MKS Lon- 1 Sa!c- price, 555. • | siLKM'Vii'i.jN <ovv ruu.-K iv -..,!.■. j-oiiiir. Sale price, 555. I WiiiTi;'- 'iiiNA silk atsTiMi:.; Aii ~,; . i . % r,,, , 1 ,. price, 755. ' 1 bl-uk rrtii silk <.-i>sxrMi-:s L, , ,,1 ~ ni, - l '' u;: Y'^;;/' ~,; ,*,. Sai*j price, 755. I heavy Assam -itssmim: sm.k .-sTrMK -T, , J^ , . J S; Sale price, 755. t 1 IVORY ,i\V SILK CnSTIMI- -K.;il hilars ):"ilr,l. _ Sale priCvj 84S. . I !. <ll:l! l>llll'. Ui I.N. t;'.i. ' ■ FUOI SILK ruSTIMK- -With -! -kirt, fi i! ;' i:,, '''.\' i , ) '';„ g< Sale priO3 s 84S. B black jai , silk si.. ; ri >h:, v »-; ..i-o ;;;;>" iit .. oo ( , fi (U " Safe price, 955. .. I. . luvrn i: oi:i:i-:n hlwvy sii.ic .-..Mi.r m-AVty Safe pi-ise, £9 9s.* J . belt. l M,; ! ' r;, ' r ' ' ■*" . 'i BROWN SILK COSTI-ME-L,:,.:.,.. tailored. SaiG price, £6 6S. ■ I LONITOX \W\WA, STMv CUT KiIoCKS-In K,(tl, JatM £J . I STRir.Kn riWYV.r.-tM\n»uo» v Sale price, 955. I^w4on S^; ;i-^ s ' ,i:! ' ?IMC rosTr Y!;J M J;;S: Sale price, £7 78. ■- 1 , s«V.K t. <s«>.n-: silk cm rMi;.-s,™.^:'^ ii; ;^;,--- ;t Sale price,- £6 6s. I" mr. i> h| THF "PRFMIFR ,, TOMPKRY ffl LTD I THE SQUARE PALMERSTON NORTH J i NATURES OWN REMEDY \ ' \ The Medicine You require for those WEAK NERVES—that I TIRED BRAIN-that EXHAUSTED BODY is the* one ] great well-tvied and proven Remedy CLEMENTS TONIC Thousands of people all over Australia swear by it wko kave been relieved permanently of \ Insomnia, Nervous Breakdown, Constipation. Poor Appetite. Nervous Headache, inck : j Headache. Neuralgia of the Facial Nerves. Sluggish Liver, Anranift. and Weakness ' ] AH Chemistf and Storei sell it. Get it and health at the same iinw. It never fails. '. \ A dose at bedtime will make you sleep a» sweetly as a mild. Sold throughout the Dominion, ?rKi^'perhotl^^J^MP
!"■■ ' = RfIOTM P" =»»' 2rr=S=^> Jb *' 4- = ' 111 I / l t j e W } ICO y Our ji s r CS tive organs arc iinable to per- S: §=>fcs«— their functions properly that you suffer from- . EE| =■:.;•; tt Indigestion. The help needed is found in Mother Seigel's || r- - Syrup. It tones, strengthens and stimulates —stomach r..: - liver and bowels—the principal organs of digestion to =- ■: i healthy activity, •iisuring their ability to perform their \ = ::■" ■■ '■- natural functioas easily and efficiently. =§ CONSTIPATION W^ OI.UOUS NESS g
CARRYINe BUSINESS ¥tt j COCK, Xv MariDorougb W . Street, has started a Carrying Business. Furniture removed. aso Gravel Plough. Disc, Harrow, etc., work. Small paddocks. Work done by 2-horse mower, bayrake, and waggon. Paddock* levelled with Plough and Scoop- Phone *20. TAXI HIRE. LETT A. YOUNG Quote you "for Short Tripe and Long Trip*. Reasonable, Reliable, aad Comfortable. Phones: 1. !N"ui>' 332 <Dayi. MOTOR LoftßY. TOWN and COUNTRY CARRYING. G. HICKMOTT. Proprietor. QUICK and Reliable Delivery of all kinds of Goods. 'Phono 280. WOOD AND COAL. A. B. KOBERSTEIN, Yard: Corner of Kimbolton Road and Weld Street. STOCKvS of Matai and Mai re any •ongttis. Household and Steam Coal deliverwl to nny part of tbo borough. Al Ci MOTOR OVCLI, 2 »*_' .O. spoed, tliain drive, latos niwiel lamp, h»u-n, and tools. Now t.vrw. IJAIN'S. MV.XV m< , at Cli'ofiinbridgo'K Marl)lo B;ir, whoro the most dehVioii> F'Vuit Sundaes me servwl. Try our kv'Croiini Sodas «nd Iciul Fruit Drinks. Wo study to please. > |5H INE Mfit IS^β
ij| knows liow liable the skin is to Jf I suffer from disfiguring blotches | k and eruptions; mid how liable it g if is, also, to get cat and hurt in § \ all conditions of life—at .home, gj ISjat work, and at play. •■ Thereß !"2 isn't a woman in the home, & j S or a sn»n in the : street,- / h n Mi sf ZAM FiUK to-dny or to-morrow. 1 If It may tt to check a sndden on-1 Is slHUifht o! ikiu '.liscaee, to toothe | sjj and he*l a nasty cut or barn, tore-g gj move &n nnsißbtly pimple or tore. | Hto«trenßl»eii'a sprained joint,.or | s?S to "rub out" a pa:n. lor t ~'§ £s these things there , ! nothing Itkejff > ' „ Good cooking is appreciated by 1 the whole fxmily. You can make certain ef the best results if you use Edmonds Baking Powder, ' when mixing cakes and pastry. Cooking becomes a pleasure because you're always assured of : -success—'tis "Surc-to-Risc." a 2 JU powdeh_ %£. 5 A Sluger Writes: H "The mixture I mado with HEAjfS B ESSENCE gave me inetant roliof. Wy r<l voice is restored and tbiit chokme *| fe«linc trone." One fool Uβ HEANS I ESSENCE makes ft pint of the finest a^ family cough an<i coM remedy. A Try it. But bo sure you jjet B 3BC -33- A- 3W'» 4 p FOR BALE.—Several good. English Second-hand Cycles. Tnorough)ly overhauled. TREASURE CYCLE Feilding.
NAZOL penetrates the ttny pas«sgea of the nofie, mouth, nnd throat »nd nips a cold rinsht in the bud The extreme summer heat, together with the sudden and violent changes of temperature often pive rise to howel complaints, the roost common !»eing dysenterj-. There is no medicine that is safer or more sure for this complaint than Chamberlain's Oohc and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ginen at the lirst unnatural loosenees of the bowels it will prevent an attack. Sold by Chemists and Storekeepers. When you ask for SHAULAND'S FLUID MAONF.STA don't take anything "iust sis good." hut get STIARI..\ND'S. Best that money can buy. "TRIED V HOOD MANY." "BAXTER'S" WINS ALWAYS. Whilo Summrr colds aro Ro proval.•nl this lotter will more than interest U iii. Mr Matthoy- Talboy, Elstborpo, n-awke'H Bay, writes: -"Enclosed find I'-'s for somo bottles of Baxter's Lunj? l'n«ervi'r. T!io local store has no more. I have tried a p>od many remedies but. !.',«'! N""'" i"''h>f from yours with one small bottle" "BuxriM-V Vims an loivialih' refold. It is not an untried preparation. It has Itwii sure, welcome, prompt and pcrniaiion!/ relief to void, wiro iliroa-t, cho;4, and bronchial J rouble suffcrors. "Bay ti-r's" is waitinji t<i fortify you airainsl tlin sudden onshnifrht of summor colds. 'J/fi hie hofctle. Chemist t Store. J7»OR New Henderson or Excelsior ' Motor* call at TRKASUHK CYCLE CO.. FoJlding. We have tho * latest Military Models in stock. Cata'orugs ou opohcatii" "Worfli five, tinit's its prim" i« wbat i.MTV<iiii» f-ays who tries NAZOL for Inhl-i iTilanli. win* throat, and hay I'.-vcr N'AZOL <iuicljy tuvos relief. Ci'l (1(),,.-H COSt 1/0. L'ONT WAKTK YUl'll. IDKAS-- . .Makn money out of thorn by seeing (],at they aro fully protected. If you Irive an'idea, patent; it at once—consult HENRY HUGHES LTD.. Patent Attorneys, 157 Feathertson street, Wellington. 140
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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1,214Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.