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I \7t7E would _ need the whole of the \ » j advertising space of tliis paper to tell you of the many improvements of the NEW SPORTS MODEL II tltl.n - DAVIDSON MOTOR I Come in and we will show you tho New Twin Opposed Douglas \ type Engino I With Roller Bearings throughout. The Three-speed CSenr Box, with Multiple Disc Clutch running in oil. The Single Chain Drive, completely enclosed and properly lubricated. Tho Super-heated Twin Cast Inlet Manifold, coupled to a particularly efficient Scheliler Carburetter. The Automatic Oil Pump. The New Trussed Cushion Forks. Tli£ Step Starter. Tho Extra Strong Frame and Wheels. Come and see this latest mechanical Masterpiece, and you will be convinced that the Sports Modal H.-D. is easily the best on two wheels. BAIN dfCO. LTD. P.U Box 108 FEILDINO. f KAMJIWAIiIA
HORTICFLTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. TENTH ANNUAL SHOW. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1020. Horses, Cattle, Sheop. ComjK>titions. Flmvets. Vegetables. Farm Produce, Fruit, Rread and Sweets, Industrial. Photography, and School Work. Admission: 1,1. Children under 12 od. Mem hers" Tickets to be obtained from Secretary, 5s each. Tlie Society' is erecting new commodious Cattle Yards, on tho Showground for the coin enience of exhibitors. Schedules will bo available about the middle of February. Have YOU Ordered Yom WINTER SUIT f COSTUME? If not, now v the time to pIM your order with E. WAY FEILOING'S FASHION TAILOP Fergutson Street WHO hae a fino stock of WINTEP SERIES guaranteed) WORSTEDS, and TWEEDS, to »elw* from. Our Workmanship Spc»ks for lUelf E. WAY Teleohon* 444 mm a si'oiile
tVOOL SCOURERS AND FELL MONGERS Work* on Kawa Kawa Road) FEiLDING. A l*o GEfVERiL CARRIERS Licensed for Uoupral Carrjing. THREE MOTOP LORRIES *. the Disposal of Resident* in Towr and Farmers in tbo Country. Furniture Rtmovi-d, Woo! Carted in. and all other work undertaken. Tolcphono, 23"). tluuse 'phone, 221 P.U. Box 38. PALMERKTON NOHTH. NEW ROYAL HOTEL. Modern Brick Building; dtrjtric ligb» Tariff. ( Ja per daj. Speight's Beer and l>est of Wim and Spirit*. B«- 303. 'Phone tt4 8 W. K. EVANS lljeU of Hwtio't. Motel. FeiWie^i. ALFA LIGHTING SYSTEM rnUHN Ihe Night into Daylight bj L installing an ALFA LIGTTT i Plant. . ChoaiMjet to run, Cheapeet tc install,' Cheapest to buy, Cheapest i»] upkeep. 440 candle powor .light <o» 70 hours on a gallon of potrol. Hun- ! dreds of plant* in use night. Price and full particular from Sal' District Agents for Alfa Light ?«« Alfa Separators. SIMMS MACHINERY CO Phone Hβ.
LADIES' Underwear at the lowest prices, at SPENCE and h PENCE'S SILK GLOVES. ~~ THESE Goods have been very scarce. Wα have them in Grey. Beaver, Hlaek and White. A real good wearing ylove. All sizeg. Prices 6; 11 and 7 (3 . McGUTTER, THOMSON and CO. > m. G. STUNELL Builder and Contractor givpn. Jobbiiiß Work done. fl ddreea: CAIITrHEW STIiEET CHEAP KING COUNTRY SHEEP FARM. K4(\ ACHES, Freehold. 1-IoU • , > i *U Acrid Maori Lease, H years to run, at Is per acre; '21 years at 2s per acre. Good prospect, of ireeholding the Native Lease at ot |s per acre. 11G0 Acres in jjjrass, and improving with age. Ryegrass and cocksfoot hold well. 850 Acres of bu>h land, easy country, and contains a goud proiiortion of riiilling timber. Tho property lie:s mo.stly to the Mill and is warm, well shelterwl, and has ample water. Huilduigs consist of (j-rooined ]ioum> ittnl outbuildings, jfoud woolsluxl, with three machines. Good sheep and cattle yards. 15 paddocks, with all fencing in yood order. No gorges or cattle traps, and no droughts. Kail frontage to Main Trunk line. Railway station on the homestoad. Price: £7 per acre for freehold and goodwill of Native Lease. Kasy lei ins. For full particulars, apply to DALGETY and CO., LTD., TE KIHTI.
WANTED.— Boy to learn Cycle and Motor trade- One with fl Httl« previoTie experience preferred. TRgAJSTTBB CrrOJE CX).. Feilding.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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639Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.