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Abraham & wuias LIMITED FATTENING FARM FOR QUICK . SALE. Owing to Breakdown in Health. OOQ ACRES, all been ploughed; , flat, good black loam. Win- < lered, 1911), 730 hoggets, 700 ewes, 40 j cattle. Owner fattens 2000 sheep year- j ly Present crops comprise 15 acres - lucerne, 26 swedes, 16 turnips, 10 i rape, 15 oats (now in stack). Modern dwelling, all conveniences and necessary outbuildings (insured for £800). ■ Close to Kakariki works, railway, town, post office. Trice: £57 10s per acre. Good terms arranged for good man. I Solo agents:— ABRAHAM and WILLIAMS, LTD. Manchester Street. I III! SALE FREEHOLD of COUNTRY HOTEL. Adjoining Saleyards and Creamery. Six miles from nearest railway station. £2200. Stock and. fninituro at valuation. piOUNTRY STORE. Six-roomed House and Store. Pantry, bathroom, outbuildings, ptoreroom, motor shed, and stables. £800. Stock at valuation, about £250. Leasehold, 25 years, £5 per annum. Half cash, balance arranged. i:«l! 11l 111 & ABRAHAM LIMITED. FEIL D I N G HIE I m.IHM. FARMERS' FREEZING Cβ. LTD. ■ BUYERS oi Fat Stock fox Freezing, at per pound, on the hooka or at pea: head ' 'PHONES— 884 M. A. MacLEOD, t Buyer. * 359 STOCKMAN. 826 HEAD OFFICE. H. G. STRINGER, General Manager. Tevin and~Co7 amTN.Z. Loan and ■; Mercantile Agency Co. ~ RONGOTEA WEAKER FAIR. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1920 ! MESSRS LEVIN and CO. LTD., and N.Z. LOAN and MERCANTILE AGENCY CO. LTD. will I soil as above, the following:— 300 mixed weaners, to be drafted into lots. ; Particulars later. j m.a. Co ~" "apitl sale. i TUESDAY. FEBRUARY IU, 1920. . -\TV:\\' ZEALAND LOAN and MERIN CANTIf.K AGENCY CD. LTD. will x>ll as above:— UK) 2-tooth wethers ■t") mixed 2-tooths i>o ;i.y<-;ir bullocks 2 springing heifers 1 springing cow \ I 3-yoar Holstoin pedigree bull 21 2 J-year S.lf. steers ti 'M-ycar heifers r.w. i>.b. Herolord bull i> 18-ni.uiths I'iiipty heilers f> fat cows (lots) 2i.H) lambs 250 rape lambs ~,„-. Account Messrs V. (J. Vll ; h.>, OhO MVLCOLM, JOHN COl \A), and ili'GH OSBORNK: ,VJ p.l>. Kiimncy rams •>O stud llotiinov «>w-os (wrth transfer) 10 l-sln:ar'ln rams I KUIBOT,TI)X SALE. WEDNESDAY. FEUHUAUY 13, 1920 XTKW ZEALAND LOAN and MEHN CANTILK AGENCY CO. LTD. ■vill oliVr by Public Auction, as above;. Ouartvr.ncH". part Section -.. -Apiti SI) to",(>tb««r with ;j-roomc:l llmis.' and good (Itubuildings. ul Kinibolum. po. ty of Mr .7AS. \\ AUGH. Sl'll. l'la*v li'ims. from Auctioiu-i'iy. Abraham and Williams. nSsKUVKITcUSAKIXC! SALE. At TOKOUANGI, HALCOMBE. WEDNESDAY. f"e»KUAUY 13, IMO 4 miAHAM and WILLIAMS LTD. /\ u j]| S( .n on account of JOHN .MOIUUSON, whoso property is ,old :•- y< M) tnixed sht't-p GO mixed rattle II horses hnpluiiienis, furniture, etc. J Steven*, and Tucker. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. STE YENSVENS and TUCKER have ro cuived instructions from tbo Public Trustee, Administrator of the Kstate of the late Mrs M. BARRY, to sol! a.s abo»o, on the promises, liuattio Street, at an early date, the Valuable FREEHOLD .PROPERTY, containing 1 acre 1 rood 5 perches, together with 8-roomed HOUSE and Outbuildings, FURNITURE and EFFUCTS. Particulars later. " DaToety~ana Co.. Ltfl. ; (: uTn OROUA AND KIM HOLTON . PROiMCKTIES. O ALGETY and CO. LTD., instruvt,ml by the Public Trustco as Administrator of the Estate of Paid (Uiiimvahl, dec.-a>ed, will oiler by Aiuliou at their 1001115, Manchester 4vv-t, Fcildiiui. on FIUDAY, the Mtli FKHIU'AUY. I! , -'", nt 11 o'clock, ill., iiroperty of above, contaminj; b \v\v< or tlien-ahouts. wiib (bxv.l Dvi-lliiiji and Farm Huildin(2;.s an'l -•iutated at Glen Oroua. This pro])erty is in tbe midst nl ul the best dairying hind m I"' , listricl, and is handy to school au>l I'actorv. Also:--Under instructions from Public TrusU- on account of Moorliold Land Settlement Assm-iation us Mortal £»'.'. iimperty situated on Kimbolton ro;><l Iwintc Lot 2 on deposited plan 2461 ol ;ibovt> Association. Arrangements for inspection or tur Further particulars regarding t -esf pif)])erties. Apply D.U.GETY and CO.. LTD. Or PI'IJLIC TRUST OFFICE, Pahnerston Nort". 4 FTER-SALE SPECIALS.—Ladjt\ ies' Woven Cotton A ests, cool; ■111 rl comfortable, S'd and '2s lid. Borlei Brassieres, the ideal Bust Support, 4s lid to 10s 6d. John Cobbe 11 ud Co.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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671Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.