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tt will be to your advantage to BUY YOUR GIFTS . at SMITHERB Because you are buying from a practical man who understands the important facts about JEWELLERY WATCHES and E.P. or SILVER PLATE You eliminate chance and can depend upon the quality of the gems and workmanship and style of the article. 11. SMITIIERS THE PRACTICAL JEWELLER Phono 233. PEILDING. SEAGRASS SEAGRASS SEAGRASS GOODS ARE JUST THE THING FOE SUMMER As they arc Cool and Kestful. . Hut MATS are also Cheap and endurable. Only 1 SEAGRASS PUSHCART. Call in and have a look around. ALFRED - E.4DE MANCHESTER STREET SEAGRASS SEAGRASS ,H\ST LANDED LATEST MODEL OAKLAND CARS MAGNETO IGNITION Price Complete: £520. THE mm motor co. Ltd. DIRECT FACTORY AGENTS FEILDING Manawatu AuctionerV Association. KEILOING SALE. FRIDAY, KEUKTAHY 13, 1920. 42U sMooth wethers (loU) I*>O 2-tooth ewes 2(.V) mixed 2-tooths (lots) 12(H) mixed lambs (lots.) 'J')o mixed rape lambs (lot*) 112 I and 5-year tat and forward 1 , .A. bullocks Khi 2 and JU\l'jir empty P.A. heifers ■t() forward HoKtoin bullocks .V) 'J an.l :i-\.';ir Hereford eh:»* dairy heifers .*>» l 2 and HvriU SJI. dairy lu«iiI'rs J'.Ti I-year hit and forward bullocks 70 l.">-iii<in<h-. P.A. steers .">:< HoKiein and S.H. i nr-s I~>month> ,sti"Oi -> ■10 l|fitCl> 2V» 'J ai'.d a-vi-ar H<>Utt-(i» I*.A. cm--- st.vr«; l'.O i.VtiKinilt Ht'n-I'i'id i'lll-.s sU-vrs On iir.oiini TACTONE ESTATE :- -1 Ki'J l-y,-ar <>v»«-, i)n a.ruunt •». WALKKK KSTATK. j IMiinnii'i toil (aiimial draiO: v»00 l-yi-ai , rt"« On awuu'iii H. ISAUIIOW. l."> 0 .J-tlKttlt lillllllll'.V I'H-I'S I.V) mixed liiliil^ AFTER THE "BURN" SOW OUR CRASS SEED miIERE is money in grass lands JL if th*> grass in g"<>L Wlk-ii you have i-leared jour property, put in the right grass seed--(•UK SEED and ensure rich, permanent wa&ture-lands from th« Btirt. COCKSFOOT PERF.NNIAL and ITALIAN RYE RED and WHITE CLOVER ALSYKE TIMOTHY We aru h.'idum bi« vow slocks of the abo/'o, and others. J .iiw freeh tchted ei-od gives qn»fU gel' initiattou fti'd vigorous growth. Write for pr,'-es tu-nigiJt, or calJ ou us v ben in town N.Z. FARMEItS' CO-OP. IMSTRIBirriMJ CO. LTDVA) FJos Si FKILDIKO "FAMOUS FOU TIU 1 \ niA):> "~~ A HOME Will K»vo you More Comfort Moif lMeasoiL-, Sloro l'rofit, and Now v tha Tim« to Get On. It Goats Notb ing to ("onio and fcoe. 7KOOMS, all conveniences, *P* V,X ' did locality. About 7 nimtitv-j from P.O. Thoroughly sound and ir j eweJlent conditiou lhrou«hoiit. (Kolio H/'J' i> Kimjius ("id all nioilei'ii coiner.i unties. Condition as new. Situatioi. is all Ahat can he \\ .11 staiii. any inspection. The moro you looh tli» better you will like it. In both cases terms can he arrany ed Kor further t icnhu,> call upoi, I. K. KNYVETT, Mill ni thin slnx't. I'eildiUj.' jinrsi'f iMi'oPKWiY Kon sale. f- , IU)OMI'"D linrSK. l.:>(hrix.iii. i> scull"! v, l"i( water, «'|.m tiii- lijiht. scwi'iapv,«' she<l. •■ollCH'le l«.otiiiilhs j.'nod oichiird and Otic .„.,,. ~f 1,,,,,!, co. ,«,-! sociion. Pn'Clf»f,o T.-rms. 11:550. (1.1.»r,) \K-roii k. smith. Land Agent, Eeildin^. 1,1011 Prompt and Efficient Mitor 1 Tyre and Tube Repairs at reaisonablo prices try tho Folding VulcaniziriK and Co. Ltd.. Manchester street. V>A DOZEN Ladies' Fme Quality Zi\) Whitn Chemise Vests, 35in ' loiik. with Short Sleeves. Sale Price 2/11 each. McORUEH, THOMSON'S SUIMMEH SALE. If) ONLY Dainty Trimmed Models. £l You must not miss these. | Kaic Price. 10,'fi each \uGHl r FJI, THOMSON'S SITMMEKi TTIOK SALE.—AII the best makes o? English Cycles and Motor 0? cle Accessories. Tyres, etc. Call or write ns. TREASURE CYCLE COI Feilding. i
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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579Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.