(Per Press Asspciatiou.)
Christchurcli, February S
Two middle-aged men died of pneumonic influenza in the Christchurcli yesterday. Both have boon inmates tor less than n week, and both were in a .serious condition when admitted. To-day there are five cases of severe and five ol' milder influenza in tho hospital. A reporter, who apnroacliod Dr. W. Vox, medical .superintendent of the Christchurcli hospital, to-day was informed that the cases heiuc received at that, institution are of the same, typo a.-t those met. with in the epidemic of November, 191$. There are. however, many grades of that type, and generally tho disease is not so severe in its nature this time. 12 *ABES IN DUXEDIN HOSPITAL Dunedin, February S. Very few notifications have been leveivod during the week-end, but those received .show that tho outbreak still of a mild typo. To-day the patients in the Dunedin Hospital sufieiitn; from inlltieiiza numbered 42, of whom 38 are classed as aevere (uoui.iioumonie). and four pneumonic The latter are .s].»oradic cases ol the type • xi)erience<l in the army some two or three years in ior to the outbreak o> pneumonic influenza in New Zealand in IUIB.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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