Margaret i'insent, aged. 10 years, was drowned whilst bathing in the Turakinn river yesterday. The deceased was bathing with some companions ami got beyond her depth. An elder sister tried to effect a rescue, but without avail. The hody was afterwards recovered by dragging. The deceased's mother who resides in Wangnmii. went to Turakina yesterday, where her daughters were spending a holiday, to l>nny; them ihome.
A fire fft. the I'almerston sportsground on Saturday damaged I.lm pnvilion to some uxlent.
Many settlors in country disinctf of \\ aikato are hesitating to guarantee to become: users c>l electric current under the newly-appointed Power Hoards until they see a definite list ol charges.
Four Australian mails are en route to New Zealand: The due, at. Auckland from Newcastle yesterday; the also clue at Auckland to-day; the Waitemata, due at AYel-to-morrow; and the Kaitanyata, due at Auckland next Wednesday.
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
Word Count
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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