Dressmaking. — Ladies who find difficulty iv gettmy their dresses made properly should try J. B. Hamilton's Dressmaker . We can confidently guarantee a splendid fit, with good style. Splendid choice of cotton and stuff materials to select from. The balance of our Trim* mcd Millinery will be offered cheap. — J. B. Hamilton.— 'Advx. Augite Mats— the woman's friend price 2s— iust opened at the New Zea« land Clothing Factory. No stirring required for oatmeal, milk, rice, custards, blaao lunnge, jellies, butters, ketchups, | apple sauce, &o. ; in fact, nothing will burn on it. Try it and be oonrinced. For the Nursery, there is nothing equal to heat the milk and food for the baby. We are requested to state that Messrs Ross and Sandford, of the Bon Marche, Palmerston North, will commence the biggest sale of summer stock ever held by thorn on Thursday next, the 19th, their stock being unusually heavy in all departments. Our readers will please note that their premises will be closed ion Tuesday and Wednesday next for the purpo.se of marking down stock' ifor -the sale.— Advt. ' : Summer Dress Stuffs in 12yd lengths we hare been and still are selling at Is lid, 2s lid, and 3s lid. This v not halt their value. Surry up if you itfould have a choice— at the Gigantic Sale, Te Aro House, Wellington. ( ; For continuation of Beading Matter sa fourth page.)
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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