A genuine clearing sale has commenced in the Cash Exchange Co-op. The cash buyers will find it to their advantage to call and note the prices. A price list will be issued in a few days. It is deter* mined to clear out the present stock in all departments as soon as possible : — Advt. Montague's Grand Art Union, to be drawn on March 17th. Tickets to be obtained at the Feilding Auction Mart, 2/6 each. — Advt. Messrs Greenwood ami Hooper. Dentists, having now completed their new and commodious offices in Kimbolton Road, will risit Feildin« every Thuhsday and Friday. We refer our readers to the advertisement of the firm, which appears over leader. — Ai>vt. It is only at a Te Aro House Gigantic Sale that you can buy a Boys' Everlasting Harvard Shirt for Oue Shilling. There are not many of these left, so be spry. Mothers have done well for their boys. There is still a grand olioicc of Extra Stroug Na?y £>erce Suits, cheap at 12s Od, for seven, shillfnif.s «>nt si.rpencc atTe Aro House. Wellington.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 2
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