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NATURES REMEDIES. MK'J. HEPWOETH, ECLECTIC MEDICAL HERBALIST AND SPECIALIST. [Twelve years practice.] THE attention of the public of Feilding and district is directed to his Dispensary and Consulting Room, the Square, next the Club Hotel, Palnicrston, where the benefit of his advice and Medicine may repay a thousand times the effort to get there. Mr Hepworth visits Afbu-st on Wednesdays for the beneßt of bis patients, and may be consulted at Mr Clapham's, from 10 to 4, on that day. Note : The Square, Palmkbston N. MANAWATU CARRIAGE FACTORY, Palmebston N , & Ashubst. JOHN BETT. in* returning thanks to his patrons for the liberal support accorded him in the past, wishes to notify thnt Mb Pkteu Carville having entered into partnership with him, the business in future will be conducted under the style or firm of BETT & CARVILLE. Tbe firm having imported tbe latest suitable Machinery, are prepared to execute work in all the different branches of the trade with despatch. Every variety of Vehicles made to order. Repairs, Painting. Horse Shoeing and General Biacksmithing work done on most reasonable terms. BETT AND CARVILLE. NOTICE. — Persons who may be unable or unwilling for various reasons to undertake tbe admintsttation of estates, or who may be in doubt or difficulty as to tbe choice of Trustees or Executors, have a safe and convenient recourse in the PUBLIC TRUST OF- ! FICE, which is established for the purpose of undertaking the adininis- [ tration as well of properties governed I by Wills, Deeds of Trust, etc., as of \ intestate estates. The investments made at the op- " tion of tbe Public Trustee, and tbe fidelity of his administration, are now guaranteed by tbe Colony. 1 For further information respecting the purposes of the Public Trust Office, and for instructions how to proceed in employing the Office to tbe best advantage, apply to THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, :■ Wellington. AlJsTßluAirmj¥u7urpßovi. DENT SOCIETY. 1 New Zealand Branch : Head Office. Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Local Board of Directors : The Hon. Morgan S. Grace, M.D., C.M.G., ML-U. (Chairman); the Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M.L.C. (Deputy Cbairmanj ; Alfred > de Bathe Brandon, Esq ; tbe Hon Edward Ricliardson. C.MG.; John Dun can, Esq. ; Medical Officer, Dr W. G. Kemp, M R.C.S., Encland. THE Oldest. Wealthiest, and Most Prosperous Australian Life Office, and the Largest in the British Empire The only Colonial Life Office whuL s declares a Bonus Every Year. The Method of Valuation adopted hy this Society is ot the most Stringoit Character, and ensures a considerably larger rcsewe to meet liabilities than that held by any other office in the Australasian Colonies. Accumulated Funds, £10,500,000 (ten and a half millions sterling), All invested to yield nearly 6 per cent. Policies in Force 109.333 Sum Assured £37,066.211 Accumulated Funds ... £10,532,036 1 Annual Income £1,86",347 j Cash Bonuses Divided ... £4,930,361 y BONUSES. r Cash Bonus for One Year, 1891. £489.---828, yielding revetsionary bonuses amounting to L 1,009,000 This Cash Bonus was equal to 42*4 per 1 cent on tbe premiums received durq ing the year \ Cash Bonuses declared for last Five Years, oyer Two Millions, yielding reversionary bonuses exceeding Four Milllions. Assure your life in the A.M. P. Society and secure a bonus every year. Expenses of Management less than 9£ 1 per cent on the total income, a EDWARE W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. a Branch Office— ; (Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Feilding Agent : J EDMUND GOODBEHEHE. WERTHEM SEWING MACHINES, PALMERSTON NORTH. GRACE, CLARKE & CO. s T3EG to thank their numerous O friends for their patronage on the recent A. & P. Show day, and . would call the attention of the public generally to the lact that THEIR SHOW ROOM IS NOW COMPLETE, and are in a position to give every comfort to ladies inspecting their UNEQUALLED SEWING I MACHINES. Call at— > GRACE, CLARKE & Co., The Dresden Depot, ! Si^uabe. Palmkbston North. '■ saywellTbros., KIMBOLTON ROAD. FEILDING Carriage Builders. Agricultural and Shoeing Smiths. SAYWELL BROS, desire to in form the residents and settlers in Feilding and the surrounding Districts that they are prepared to build Carriages and other wheeled Vehicles at the lowest possible prices. Good Material and. Workmanship guaranteed. Painting, Trimming and Repairs neatly executed. Agricultural Implements of al kinds made and repaired. Horses shod for 5s and upwards. M ODEL SHOE TNG FORGF, JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor, General Smith's Work in all its branches Horses carefully shod. Steel Shoes used if required. Specml attention given to malformed and diseased feet. Fittings for Reid and Gray s Ploughs. Fire Gratings for " Dover" Stoyes. Coil Chains. Maul Rings, Long Shovel Handles, Spude Huridles, Bolts, Swivels, Pateut Connecting Links, &c, &c. JOHM~TAYLOR, FARRIER and GENERAL SMITH,
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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762Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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