"August Flower" I I had been troubled five months * with Dyspepsia. The doctors told j J me it was chronic. I had a fullness 5 after eating and a heavy load in the \ * pit of my stomach. I suffered fre- l quently from a Water Brash of clear < matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- 1 ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the ' terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Aye., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was entirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medicine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City, Pa. Signed, John D. Cox. « G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer, W©©dbury,JiewJersey, V.S.JL ~ KQTiqE OF REMOVAL. J. S, MILSON, BOOKSELLER. STATIONER, AND FANCY GOODS IMPORTER, Montague's Nbw Building^ (Next to Cobbe and Darragu s) Manchester Street, Beilding. HAVING Removed to my new shop, in J. K. Montague's new building, I take this opportunity of thanking the public for past favours, and hope, by strict attention to business, comhined with a nelNselected stock of all the newest Publications. '^Stationery, Fancj Goods, Toys, Musical Instruments, and Music Books, to merit a continuance of the same. Ladies will find a good selection of requiremDDts for Fancy Work always in stock. J. S. MILSON. J. WAUGH, BOOKSELLER, STATIONEB, AND NEWS AGENT, Manchester bTREET, FEILDING. JUST received, a supply of Christmas and New Year Goods. AH kinds of Toys, Dolls, Xmas and New Year Cards arrived and to arrive. Presents, suitable for the festive season, including silver and goJd Brooches, fancy Vases, Juga and Glass Baskets, Albums, and Fancy Goods. A large variety of Novels, Presentation Books of the Pansy series just come to hand. Well assorted show of new Music to choo.se from. Some wonderful bargains may be picked up at about cost price, as 1 am determined to e'ear these lines by the end of this year. FEILDING BOOT AiND SHOE EMPORIUM, Manchester Street S. SVENDSEN, Proprietor. Gents' Poipoise Goloshed Belmorals Boots (sewn welts), Gents' French Calf Boots (sewn, pegged, and riveted) Gents' Kid and Calf Shoes, Slippers, &c, &c. Ladies' Glace Kid Boots, Ladies' French Calf Boots, Ladies' Kid Boots, Ladies' Glace Kid Shoes, Calf Kid Shoes, &c, &c. Children's Boots and Shoes, Slippers, &c , &c. eTj. tozeb, SIGN.WHITER, GILDEK, DtCORATOR, GLAZIER, PAPERHaNGER, &o. KIMBOLTON BOAD (Near Mrs Hastie's Hotel), FEILDING. E.T. T. heps to intimate to the . Public of Feilding, and surrounding districts, that he has commenced business as above, and with his extensive London aDd Colonial experience, combined "wito moderate charges, hopes to receive a share of the public patronage. Estimates giyen. Coja tracts entered into with builders and others. Coffin Plates written for the trade. Charges moderate. William pearson; boot and shoe maker Ferousson Street, FEILDING. ALL Cash Purchasers will receive big discounts during the Christmas Holidays. A large stock of Boots and Shoes on hand to select from, which I am determined to clear at a great sacrifice. Call and inspect my well assorted atoek before purchasing elsewhere. WILSON'S OCCIDENTAL HOiEL, The Square, Palmerstom North. SM. WILSON & CO. desire to ■ notifj that the newly-erected hotel Las now been furnished throughout m first-class style, and is one of the best appointed hotels in the North Island. Superior accommodation for commercial travellers, tourists, and families. Suites, or rooms can be engaged either by telegram or letter. Good sample rooms for use of com' mercial travellers. Porter meets all trains. S. M. WILSON & CO., (Late of Gisborno). Prorieptor WANTED KNOWN— That lam now prepared to supply Firewood of all descriptions, including < Rata and Matai, delivered in every i part of the Town. Parties waited on for orders. WILLIAM KITCHEN. ( AX ANTED KNOWN, — Orders V* taken at the Star offico for all kinds of Rubber Stamps.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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