At Wolrerhampton, a few months ago, a rat catcher offered for a bet to bite off the heal of a rat. The waßer was accepted, and several of his friends backed him. The disgusting feat was accomplished, bat the man was subsequently taken ill, and is now dead. Certainly the best memcine known is Sandkb and bo»s' Eucalypti ExtractTest its eminently powerful effects in Coughs, coldo, mtlueuza; the relief is in - ■taniuueuUß. In serious cases, and acoidents ot all kinds, be they wound >. burn», scaldinga, bruises, spraius, it is tbe «afesi reuieuy— -no swelling — no intianiiuatioii. Like surprising eftecis pro* duceu in cruup, uipuiuerm, bronchitis, inilaUiUialiuu ol the lungs, t>ftelliu^, &c , diarrhoea, d>aeuir}, diseases of tbe n.u. nejs and urinary organs. In use ;ii hospitals aiiu uj**uiL-ttl clinics all uvt-r (;.« gloOe ; i.uu<./iii.<ed by hi» AJujeslj i,.i E.iU|t ot lm. _> , ci< vviicU nult uit-uul vi:< dipioUia ut ii\< i i.uitoDai bxini'ltH'ii, .iiUMfi'Uaii.. jiuo iv Mii.» apciovto article ami iei-«-i .. 1 <hmt-. — Avvt
DhEbbAi^ivii\o. DRES^MAKi^G aud Aeeulework of eyery description 110-.UU3 ano quickly executed uy the underMgntu. Latest fashions always uu liana. MloS AMEbBUKY, Denbigh fctret-t. Feildinj.'. ~" MUSIC. MR J. HYL»E PARKER, who has studied under the ben London Professors, visits Fmldiuy twice a week. Les ous elementary and finishing. Proficiency guaranteed. Address— Office of this paper. Unexceptionable References. WILLIAM HEALD, Btoxdeb and Contractor, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY (Near Rail-way Station), Feilding. STOCK Sizes, Sashes and Doors always on hand. Mouldin-s, Match Lining, &c, produced on the shortest notice. HENDERSON & BRIDGE, (Formerly of Wanganui, New Plymonth, and Bulls), BEG to notify to the public of Feilding, and District, that they have purchased the old-estab-lished Brewery business carried on by Mr Wrightson for the past six years. A large stock of grains on band, Fresh yeast daily. '
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 4
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