4 SSEMBLY ROOMS, FEILDING A — MRS A. M. LONGSHORE POTTS, M.D., America's Leading Woman Physician Graduate of the Woman's Medical I College of Philadelphia, I Will Lecture on HEALTH AND DISEASE TO WOMEN ONLY as follows : — TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, Bth, 9th, 10th, and 11th, at 3 o'clock. FIRST LECTURE FREE. All lectures illustrated with Stereopticon Views, not only of subjects i discussed, but also of art and travel. FRIDAY NIGHT, FEB. 10th, at 8, Famous Lecture on " HEARTS AND HOMES," Ok "Is Marriage a Failure V "As good as an hour with Mark Twain." — Boston Herald. " Moral, Instructive, and very Amusing."' — London Truth. PincES : 1/- and 2/-. ASSEMBLY ROOMS. JCHAS. HARRISON, M.D., , The Distinguished Physician and Traveller Graduate of two leading Universities in the United States, will deliver two lectures to MEN ONLY — ON MONDAY NIGHT, FEB. 6, at 8. Admission : Free. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 8, at 8. Admission : A/-. Both Lectures illustrated with beauti ful Stei-eopticon Views of art and travel, as well of subjects discussed. Upwards of 200 views at each Lecture. Positively the most beautiful views in the world. RANGITIKEI LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. THE Officers of the Association will attend at the undermentioned places, on the dates named, for the purpose of enrolling Members and forming Branches in connection therewith : — Feilding Assembly Rooms, Saturday, February 4th, at 7.30 p.m. Bulls Town Hall, Wednesday, February Bth, at 7.30 Hunterville, Argyle Hall, Friday, 10th, at 7.30 Ohingaiti, Mr Mrehan's House, Saturday, 11th, at 7.30 Birmingham Town Hall, Friday, 17th, at 7.30 Beaconsh'eld School House, Saturday, 18th, at 7.30 HY. SNELGROVE, Secretary. 1.T.N.0.T.G.A.0.T.U. FEILDING LODGE. No. 41, N.Z.C. rpHE Regular Mouthly Meeting of the 1 above Lodge will be held at the Foresters' Hali, Boweu Street, Foilding, on MONDAY, 6th February, 1893. Visiting Brethren are cordially mvited. Business : Rais:ng. liodgo tylod at 8 o'clock. By command of tho W.M. THOMAS W. K. FOSTER, Secretary. FEILDING BOKOUGH COUNCIL NOTIFICATION of VALUATION LIST. TAKE Notice, the Valuation List for the Borough of Feilding is now open for inspection at the Borough Council Office, Feilding. All objections there o must be left J at the Court House, Feilding, on or before the loth day of February, addressed to the Assessment Court ; and a copy of every such objection must be left at the Borough Council Office not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court. OEO. C. HILL, Town Clerk THE MANCHESTER RIFLES WILL hold parades in the As- j sembly Kooms as follows :— February — THURSDAY 9th, (daylight, on Kimbolton Road, opposite Assembly Rooms), 16th, and '23rd, at 7.30 p.m. Orderlies for month : Sergt. Petherick and Corpl. Aitkcn. FISHING LICENCES ARE now obtainable from the undersigned, and available from loth Sept., 1892, to 15th April, 1893 (both inclusive). Fishing License : One pound ; Lady's or Boy's License : Five .shillings. HUGH L. SHERWILL, Hon. Sec. Feilding Branch Wellington Acclimatisation Society. JOB PEINTING in all its branches executed ou the shortest notice at the Stau Office. Charges very reasonable.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 3
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