Advertisements ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, FEILDING. riIHE Most Reverend the Primate will hold a Confirmation Service in St. John's Church on TUESDAY next, at 4.30 p.m. ARTHUR HERMON, Curate. HAVES* ALLIED^IRCUS, FEILDING, | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th. After a most successful season of three weeks in Wellington. 1 (\fi MEN AND HORSES ! 1 A A The Largest, Best, and most , Legitimate Circus visited N.Z. for years. THREE GREAT SENSATIONS. Mdle. Lyola (the lady with jaw of iron and teeth of steel) The marvellous and phenomenal Tank- ' ard Japanese Troupe Wm. Organ's Bronco Horses and Seesaw Ponies. HAVES' CIRCUS COMPANY. Riders, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Leapers. MIRTH -MAKING CLOWNS. Admission : 4/-, 3/-, and 2/-. W; H. HAYES, Sole Owner. MANCHESTER ROAD BOARD. TENDERS will be received by the above Board up to noon on SATURDAY, 1 lth February, 1893,— For the collection of the Dog Tax for the year 1893. Specifications may be seen at the Board's Office, Feilding. CHAKLES BRAY, Clerk Manchester Road BoardIN BANKRUPT! IV. "VTOTICE is hereby given that John i3l Robert Lever, of Feilding, Baker, was this day adjudged Bankrupt, and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors, to be holden at the Court House, Feilding, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of February, 1893, at 1.30 o'clock. G. J. SCOTT, Deputy Official Assignee. Palmerston North, 2nd February, 1893. FEILDING BOROUGH COUNCIL DOG TAX. *VTOTICE is hereby given that the ±S Dog Tax for the current year has been fixed at five shillings per dog; that the undersigned has been appointed Registrar ; and the Borough Office, Manchester Street, the office at which all dogs kept within the Borough must, be at once registered, or summonses' will be issued against their owners for a breach of ' The Dog Registration Act' without further notice. Dated this 4th day of February, 1893. G. C. HILL, Town Clerk. THE APITI SAWMILL COMPANY (Limited). A PPLICATIONS are invited up J\_ till TUESDAY, the 7th February, at 12 noon, for Shares in the above Company. A deposit of 10s per share will be required on application. The following gentlemen are authorised to canvas for Shares and give receipts for the above deposit : — Messrs T. J. Clapham, E. Goodbehere, Guy, Buckman, Vicary, Wm. Webb, Ben. Poole, and D. McKenzie. The next meeting is to be held at Mr D. McKe'"zie's wool shed, Apiti, on TUESDAY, the 7th February, at 8 p.m. T. J. CLAPHAM, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer fpro. tem.j Goodbehere & Richmond, Solicitors. TEN SHILLINGS REWARdT" LOST from Birmingham, about a fortnight ago, — One grey Horse, branded Son off shoulder. Any person giving information as to its whereabouts to G. Anyon, Birmingham, or the Stab Office, Feilding, will receive the above reward. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE NEAR FEILDING. THE undermentioned Sections, be ing portions of the well-known Potatou Farm, are open for private sale, viz: Nos. 91 — 216 acres ; 92 — 167 acres; 93— 186 acres; 94—291 acres. All fronting good metal roads. Terms: Two-thirds of purchase money may remain on mortgage at 5 per cent for five years. Applications, stating price, to be sent to Mr John Saxon, Feilding (or personal application may be made to the latter), from whom further information can be obtained, or to W. H. Levin, Esq., Wellington. Applications to be sent in on or before SATURDAY, the 4th February, 1893. The quality of this land can be fudged by the crops now growing. Inspection invited. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership which has for some time past been carried on by Henry Vypond Pickering and William Hunter, under the name of " Pickering and Co," in the trade or business of Butchers, at Feilding, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will, in future, be carried on by Henry Vypond Pickering, who will pay and receive all accounts due from and to the late firm. Dated this Ist day of February, '93. H. V. PICKERING W. HUNTER. Witness : John Piuod, Solicitor, Feilding.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 3
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