CATARRH (CHRONIC COLD IN THE HEAD) Stop the nuisance of this dangerous trouble this quick, easy way If you are a victim of catarrh or bad cold m the head, you stand in danger yourself and a menace to all around you. The air passages of your mouth, nose, throat and lungs are swarming with virulent germs which inflame the mucous membrane lining the air passages. Beastly bad-smelling mucus forms. You begin to feel feverish, nervous and irritable. Stop all this miserable Suffering by starting with De Witt’s Catarrhal Cream to-day. This powerful antiseptic and soothing preparation completely banishes the harmful germs that cause the trouble. Air passages are made sweet and clean and immune from further attack. The nose becomes clear and you can breathe through it as nature intended. Get your supply of this fine remedy to-day. Sold by chemists everywhere. De WITT'S CATARRHAL CREAM for Catarrh, Chronic Cold in the Head and Hay Fever. Price 1/9.
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 15
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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 15
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