warn %/ V ' Y mmmm |«ii|i iiiiii \ >,> / r* i Jt u s' _po> i® i. Have you tried the new Dark Brown “Nugget” Polish ? And don’t forget the new Blue “Nugget” for Blue Shoes. , Arc Your Shoes Clean ? Invitation to SHOW VISITORS All country visitors to town for the Show are cordially invited to call at Peter Dick’s and inspect the new and charming stocks of Chinaicare, Crystal, Clocks, Jewellery, etc. PETER DICK 59 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. CHEMIST SAYS SKIN LOVELINESS IS POSSIBLE ON LY TH ROUGH SKIN-HEALTH. REXONA SOAP KEEPS THE SKIN THOROUGHLY HEALTHY - AND BEAUTY FOLLOWS, NATURALLY. / c. i , Wmm \ \ K d\, '■ V*, NTME NT Rexona If akin faulla don’t respond quickly to Rexona Soap rare, then your •kin needs the complete Rexona treatment Soap and Ointment. TREATMENT i Wash frequently with Rexona Soap. At night smear • little Rexona Ointment on the affected parts. This wonderful treatment rapidly heals the most obstinate blemishes, leaves the skin clear and unmarked. For skin-health, for skin beauty Rexona ! Rexona is the only soap containing Cadyl. This special compound of medications gently draws out the impurities from the pores, where all skin troubles start. Rexona ensures complexion loveliness the natural way—through skin health. Start using Rexona right away I REXONA is more than a beauty soap, it’s a , S/Uk, RXXO*A PROPRIETARY LIMITED ★ ' : INTERIOR DECORATION by experts You’ll he amazed at the difference the touch of the craftsman will make to that room you thought was so drab—and amazed, too, at how little it will ’cost you at the ABURN store. S. F. ABURN Ltd., 389 PRINCES STREET. PAINTERS, PAPERHANGERS, AND ART DEGOn-vTOHS. 'Q
Page 15 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 15
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