AMUSEMENTS. THIRD RECORD-BREAKING WEEK. THIRD RECORD-BREAKING WEEK. AND STILL CAPACITY HOUSES AT EVERY SESSION MAKE EARLY RESERVATIONS ESSENTIAL. THE STATE AMALGAMATED THEATRES LTD. (Throughout New Zealand.) Earphones tor the Hard of Hearing. 2 p.m. TWICE DAILY. 8 p.m. BERNARD SHAW’S WITTIEST COMELY. 1 ‘ PYGMALION • 1 ‘ PYGMALION ’ | ‘ PYGMALION ’ | ‘ PYGMALION ’ Starring LESLIE WENDY HOWARD HILLER (Recommended by the Censor Cor Adults.) FREE LIST SUSPENDED. PLANS BEGG’S ANL STATE (12-321). IF YOU CAN ROLLER-SKATE YOU CAN ICE-SKATE I SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING SKATING TO-NIGHT. SKATING PROGRAMME, TO-NIGHT. 7.30 to 10.45. Ladies la 6d, Gentlemen 2s. DE LUXE RINK. FilJeul atreet (Opp. Town Hall). LEARNERS’ CLASS (Monday to Friday), 5.30 to 6.45 p.m. Lunch Hours, 12 to 2. Afternoons, 2.30 to 4.30. PRIVATE TUITION. We guarantee to make you confident and graceful m Sis Lesson;. PROFESSIONAL. Ivan j. co x, r.m.. n.z.. Regd. Masseur and Medical Electrician Withes to Announce that he has Commenced the Practice of his Profession At QUEEN’S BUILDINGS (Above the Vedic), Princea street. Phone 14-220 Res. 11-228.
EUCHRE. IVTORTH Ground Pavilion, Every Wednea--ITI day, 8 p.m.; 8 increased prizes; sixminuta games.—Grange Cricket Club. UCHRE. Tamm Bowling Club’s Panlion, To-night, 8 o’clock; £1 and 10s other prizes; supper; admission Is. NORTH Ground Pavilion, To-night (Wednesday), 8 o’clock; 8 increased prizes; six-minute games. —Grange Cricket Club. 171 UCHRE, Friday, North Ground Pavimla lion. King street, 8 o’clock; 6 good prizes; admission, Is. —Albion Cricket Club. GARDENING. ANEMONES, Ranunculus, guaranteed most vigorous, brilliant strain obtainable; 3s 6d 100.— Lakeland Gardens. Takapuna, Auckland. ANEMONE Bulbs. Vigorous, brilliant selection with large double blooms; 2s 6d 100.—Marden, Box 6. Takapuna. Auckland. ________________ \7’IOLETS, golden yellow and soft pink, 4s t dozen; Lily of the Valley, Is 6d clump. —Skene’s, Stuart street, Dunedin. \TOW ready, Hedge Plants, Olearia, fiscalll lonia, Privet, Lonicera; hardy, well rooted. —Skene’s, Stuart street, Dunedin. APPLE, Plum, Pear Trees, Currants, Gooseberries, Rhubarb, Shrubs, Roses, Shallots, Potatoes.—Skene’s, Stuart street, Dunedin. POULTRY. FOR SALE, Black Orpington Pullets, laying; well-bred birds; splendid winter layers.—Skene’s, Stuart street, Dunedin. OR SALE, well-bred White Leghorn Hens, through the moult, near laying; 5s 6d each.—Skene’s, Stuart street. Dunedin.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 2
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 11
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