amusements. TO-MORBOW IS THE LAST DAY JAN HAY’S Delightful Comedy. 1 1 I ’ HOUSEMASTER 1 ‘HOUSEMASTER’ OTTO KRUGERWith DIANA CHURCHILL. Also iYOUTH MARCHES OK ‘ And • MASTER OF THE CAMERA.’ (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) THE REPENT - THE REGENT Direction: J. CJ., Williamson Picture C'orp. Ltd. 2 p.m. DAILY. 8 p.m. ON FRIDAY’ fov the first time in New Zealand Paramount present with all the gorgeousness and glamour of the gay ’nineties, THE BRILLIANT STAGE DRAMA, 4 ZAZA’ ‘ZAZA’ ZAZA ~ ‘ZAZA ’ ‘ZAZA’ • ZAZA’ ‘‘ZAZA’ * Starring CLAUDETTE COLBERT CLAUDETTE COLBERT With HERBERT MARSHALL HERBERT MARSHALL Helen Weetley, Constance Collier. Walter Catlett, Bert Lahr. (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) PLANS D.I.C. AND THEATRE. PHONE 12-513. AUCTIONS, REMINDER. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), At 12.13. At Rooms, 163 Rattray street. SIX-ROOMED VILLA. No. 6 CITY ROAD. ROSLYN. Urgent Sale on Easy Terms. N AND E. S. PATERSON LTD.,: • 163, Rattray street. REMINDER. TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) At 12.13. At Rooms, 163 Rattray street. LOVELY FIVE-ROOMED BRICK AND CONCRETE RED-TILED BUNGALOW, No. 31 EARLS ROAD, ST. CLAIR. For Definite Sale. NAND E S. PATERSON LTD., * 163 Rattray street.
TO LET. TO LET. W£ have a WELL-FURNISHED FLAT, with a fine outlook and all modern appliance*, To Let; within a few minutes ot the Exchange. Early application advisable. PERPETUAL TRUSTEES CO. LTD., 1 Vogel street, Dunedin. TO LET, 2-roomed Bach, city; central; 8s week lo suitable man.—Ess7, * Star * ' TO LET, Front Unfurnished Room, with fireplace and balcony.—2o Tennyson street. TO LET, Two Single Rooms, furnished; one with Fireplace.—Apply 36 Duke street. TO Double Furnished Room to Gentleman willing to share room; cheap.—E79l, ‘ Star.’ TWO-ROOMED Furnished Flat; fireplace; suitable couple; double bed-sitting room; radiator point, single beds, conveuiences; central.—E7s9, ‘Star.’ TO LET, Furnished House, 5 rooms and kitchenette; St. Clair.—Ring 22-829. f LET. nice, large Furnished BedSitting Room, kitchenette; phone; suitable couple.—24 Hpriot Row. TWO Unfurnished Rooms, with kitchenette and separate meter; reasonable. —Apply (between 7 and 8 p.m.) 244 George ■treat. SOUTH END (in bungalow), Unfurnished Flat, 2 rooms, kitchenette: 22a 6d; no telephone inquiries.—Calders. 127 Princes street. • A BACH To Let; gas, electricity.—Apply •i* 16 Bradshaw street. /"10MF0RTABLY-FUUNXSHED Double Bed-Sitting Room; gas cooker; phone, use conveniences.—Apply (evenings) 123 Stafford street. Bedroom, fireplace, gas, bath, hot and cold water.—l 22 George street (above Newey’s). FURNISHED Flat, 2 rooms, kitchenette, good residential area, handy position. -Phone 20-624. ROSLYN. —7-roorned House, owner retains one room, 37s 6d ; Self-contained Unfurnished Flat, 3, kitchenette, garage if required, 40s. —McKenzie's, auctioneers. Dowling street. ROSLYN.— 4 and kitchenette Wooden Bungalow, all conveniences; 32s 6d.— T’amblyn, Rhodes, Jamieson; no phone inquiries. YOUR MOVE,-SIR) FfX) LE’i, for Removals, Packing, ana X Storage our UP-TO-DATE MOTOR FURNITURE VANS and EXPERT MEN Dry storage Removals anv distance. town or country Phone 11-626 CRUST AND CRUST. 20 Manse street f|AO LE'J Gain Forwarding Co Remove A your Furniture means safely and economy: excellent storage- 327 Cumber land street It. you need Building Material, send an Advertisement lo the 1 Star.’
Page 11 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 11
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