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TENDERS. TENDERS FOE SALE OR LEASE. RUTLAND HOTEL, VICTORIA AVENUE, WANGANUI. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE invites Alternative Tenders for the Purchase or Lease of the Rutland Hotel, Wanganui, as follows: (a) THE PURCHASE of the freehold sections 171/172, Wanganui, containing 2 roods, on which stands the licensed hotel and all shops and offices thereon, (b) THE LEASE of the hotel, including bottle store, but excluding all shops and offices in block. The lease is to be for a term of five years from 1.8.39, at a flat rental, without goodwill, the lessor to pay all rates and insurances. Conditions of lender may be inspected at and any further particulars obtained from the Office of the District Public Trustee at Auckland/ Wanganui, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Wellington. A cheque equal to one month’s rent cn account of the lease or for £SOO on account of the purchase price must accompany each tender. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tenders close at 12 noon on the 10th day of JULY. 1939, at the Office of the Public Trustee, Wellington, to whom tenders are to he addressed, enclosed in sealed envelopes and marked, “Estate of Alfred John Parsons, Tender for Lease (or Purchase) of Hotel Property,” E. 6. HALES, Public Trustee, Wellington. HOUSING CONSTRUCTION DEPT. ERECTION OF HOTJSES.-DUNEDIN, TENDERS, Closing at 4 p.m. on THURSDAY, 13th July. 1939, and returnable to the Director of Housing Construction, Wellington, are invited for the erection of houses in separate contracts as follows : Contract 13/68. —16 units. Contract 13/69. —9 units. Plans, specifications, tender and schedule forms are available at the Office of the Inspector of Housing Construction, Chief Post Office Buildings, Dunedin. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. rsm SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, -1938. HOSPITAL BENEFITS. Notice to Controlling Authorities of Hospitals other than licensed Private Hospitals or Institutions maintained by Hospital Boards. A TTENTION is directed to the provisions - V of the above Act, empowering the Minister of Health to recognise and approve for the purposes of hospital benefits any institution at which sick or injured persons are received for treatment. The controlling authority of any such institution desirous of making application for approval may obtain a form for the purpose from the Medical Office of Health of iho district. M. H. WATT. Director-General of Health. Wellington, 17.6.39. LEGAL NOTICES. In the Estate of DAYID HUGHAN HARNEISS. Soldier Pensioner. ALL Persons HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the above-named aji the date of his death, 14th June, 1939, are requested to send forthwith detailed accounts in duplicate, certified as due and owing, to the undersigned. BAYLEB AND BRUNTON, Solicitors. 399 Moray Place cast, Dunedin, C.l. CORPORATION NOTICES. BOROUGH OP MOSGIEL. INTERRUPTION OF WATER SUPPLY. ■\rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the i-T BOROUGH WATER SUPPLY will be LIABLE TO INTERRUPTION between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. DAILY for a PERIOD OF APPROXIMATELY THREE WEEKS, commencing THURSDAY, 22nd June, 1939, on account of the cement lining of the water main in Gordon road. R. D. ROGERS. Town Clerk. Mosgiel, 20th June, 1939. BICYCLES. WINTER Clothing.—Cyclists’ Leggings, 10s fid; Coats, 19s 6d; Mitts, ss; Gauntlet Mitts, 6s 9d; Helmets, 8s fid; Lumber Jackets, 19s 6d; Leather Lumbers, 42s 6d. —W. A. Scott and Sons, George street. SPEEDWELL.” —See the latest models, ladies’ or gents’; black or coloured; use our terms.—W. A. Scott aud Sons, George street. ENT’S B.S.A. Bicycle. 1937 model; Bosch generator and light fitted; original paint, in good, condition; £s.—B George street. FOR SALE, Australian Racing Bike, £4 or near offer. —E4lO, ‘ Star,’ RADIO. n million Philco owners can’t be wrong; buy a Philco and be satisfied; world’s finest Radio. TRADE in your Radio, best price given; ring, call, or write."* 1 Begg’s.* ING 11-759.—Radio Repairs, any make; we collect and deliver.—Clias. Begg and Co. Ltd. ' -a (j m wKi —Expert Radio Service, any lOX make; reasonable charges; specialist Pilot service; collection and dolivery.—Wholesale Radio Dealers Ltd. ini C 10s. —Listen England, France, GercfcXO many; 8-valve performance; £1 deposit, £1 monthly.—Wholesale Radio Dealers; dial 12-751, Hanover street. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, small Black Purse, vicinity of George street, containing silver, beads, and keepsake—Reward returning Jimsie Fraser, Stuart street. LOST, between Belvere and Woolworths, Black Purse, Wednesday, between 1112 o’clock.—Please ring 25-125. ' ' ■ - OST, yesterday, Gold Wristlet Watch (Elgin), on gold bracelet, between St. Clair and city; reward.—Phone 22-322 or write E 785, ‘ Star.’ LOST, last week, One £5 Note.—Reward replying EBOO, ‘ Star ’ Office.' OST, Wristlet Watch (man’s).—Return ‘ Star ’ Office; reward. OUND, near Octagon, Friday, 16th, Gold Wristlet Watch. —Apply 183 Albany street. SUND. Batteries of all makes Recharged, Repaired; new Batteries in k. Acme Tyre 00., Fredcrick-King )UND. Washing Wringers Re-rub-bered, Broken Parts Replaced.—At e Tyre. Company’s, corner King and lericli streets.
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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782Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.