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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. £895. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. £895. Beautifully situated on the RISE, BESIDE TAINUI and Convenient to Second Tram Section, With a Delightful View. —Splendidly built Brick Horae of 5 good rooms, bright, all modern conveniences, conveniently planned, nicely papered; bathroom, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, electric light, ample cupboard and wardrobe accommodation; ideal freehold, about, 40 poles, very sunny, laid out in garden, lawn, and fruit trees. £9O DEPOSIT. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP PROPERTY FOR URGENT SALE AT £895. INSPECTION INVITED. TWO MINUTES OF RATTRAY STREET TRAM LINE.—-A big 4-roomed House, verandah front, bathroom, hot and cold, all conveniences; largo double garden and I-aerc, freehold. £4O DEPOSIT. GIFT AT £750. N. AND E. S. PATERSON LTD. 165 RATTRAY STREET. —Maori Hill (deposit £SO, raoddb I Otr eun conveniences); 5-roomod Villa, large freehold, garage; vacant possession.—E7B7, ‘Star.’ jp K Aft “ Central: 5-roomed Villa; #9l'" vacant possession; requires renovating; easy repayments. E 785, ‘ Star.’ ST. CLAIR. —Ij-stor.y Brick Bungalow, 4 rooms, large sun room, large kitchenette, garage; a lovely home, modern locality; offered cheap to wind up estate; £1,650. —Irelands, Manse street. M"ORNINGTON.— Lovely Brick Bungalow, 4 rooms, spacious ' sun room, lovely view; gets all the sun; £1,225. — Irelands, Manse street. ORTH End.—Splendid Bungalow, five rooms, balcony, excellent kitchen; attractive design; alongside tram; £1,200. — Irelands, Manse street. NORTH 'END.—Town side Gardens (on rise, handy to tram): Attractive 5 Rooms, with every convenience; £950. — Irelands, Manse street. ORTH~END.—Town side Gardens, on flat; Splendid Home, 6 rooms; early vacant possession; £1,150; must be sold quickly.—lrelands, Manse street. _ OENINGTON.—£SSO: Excellent Four Rooms, bathroom, scullery, every convenience; really attractive home, neat car. —Irelands, Manse street. FORBURY CORNER (Vicinity).—Attractive Bungalow, 5 rooms, slight rise, alongside tram; £1,150; reduced lor urgent sale. —Irelands, Manse street. OR SALE, Mornington, £725, £SO deposit, 25s weekly buys well-built 5roomed Dwelling, every convenience; snn all day; nice section; motor entrance; vacant possession.—E 447, ‘ Star.* pgAA —Collinswood ; 4 Rooms, kitcheno&OUU ette, modern, bathroom, etc.; panoramic view, drive, shrubs; automatic phone.—Ring 18-406. MOTORS AND CYCLES. DEPENDABLE USED CAES DODGE D A SEDAN £175 FORD V 8 DE LUXE SEDAN £225 PONTIAO DE LUXE SEDAN £255 DODGE 1934 DE LUXE SEDAN ... £265 DODGE DE LUXE 8 SEDAN £175 DODGE 1935 DE LUXE SEDAN ... £345 DODGE 1937 TOURING SEDAN ... £350 DODGE 1937 DE LUXE TOURING SEDAN £395 DODGE 1937 SEDAN £295 DODGE D D SEDAN £145 FORD 1936 TUDOR SEDAN £195 Phone .13-906. Open Friday Evenings, 7 to 9. COSSENS AND BLACK LTD. CRAWFORD AND MANOR STREETS. COOKE, HOWLISON, & CO. LTD Have Reliable Buick Sedan, licensed and in. good running order. £33. Buick Tourer, good tyres; well cared ' for. £25. Austin heavy 12-Four Touring, Britain’s most popular used car; excellent condition. £BS. Dodge 1926 Roadster, 4 new tyres and in good running order. £35. Da Soto Sedan, popular model. Reduced from £llO to £IOO. THE HOUSE FOR SOUND VALUE, ' 55-59 HANOVER STREET. LEARN To Drive. Expert Tuition, charges moderate. —Moore, 1 Marne street, Anderson’s Bay; phone Napier Motors, 11-959. ANTED Sell, 1932 De Soto Sedan, good tyres, hydraulic brakes; small mileage; first class; cheap for cash.—E6sß, ‘ Star.’' FOR SALE, Four Tyres and Three Tubes, 525 x 16; good condition; £3.—E444, ‘ Star.’ ' ANTED To Sell, Amplifier as part payment on Motor Cycle.—E679, * Star.* MODEL a Ford Tourer, just painted; new hood, side curtains; engine recently overhauled, tyres good; snip at £75. —E7OS, ‘Star.’ FOR SALE, 1938 Hillman Minx De Luxe, 11,000 miles, first-class order, as new; insured, registered, certificate fitness; £230. -E7lO. ‘ Star.’ CAR wanted in exchange for Wide Section, main road, Caversham, at £165, cash difference—Patersons, Rattray street. nio ly —Ford Contrepoise Coupe, moSilO • quelte upholstery; 18,000 miles; snip.—J. R. Morris, 70 St. Andrew street. n;) Q“ Ford 1938 10 Fordor dil £OO Saloon, absolutely as new; see this.—J. R. Morris, 70 St. Andrew street. MOTOR Cycle wanted, must ho reliable, electric light, in exchange for Shortspring Chevrolet Tourer, good condition throughout.—Apply Alla* Crighton’s Motor Cycle Garage. ___ ELOCETTE, 350, push-rod, 1938 model; 4-speed, foot change; as new; £80; terms if required.—E766, ‘ Star.’ BUSINESS FOR SALE. £250. £250. 1/fILK BAR, REFRESHMENTS, CON--I*l FECTIONERY, and Other Eatables, shop beautifully fitted, easily worked; suit small family; 5 rooms, with porcelain hath, basin, and all other conveniences. Part of the residence could be sub-lot as a selfcontained flat. Splendid chance for young people to commence business on own account. _ CLARKE AND VENN LIMITED, Agents. Phone 10-842. 171 OR SALE, Confectionery and Fruit ■ Business, with living rooms attached; price £75; immediate possession; walk in, walk out.—Apply 155 Albany street. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. REQUIRED urgently, more Pianos; M'Cracken and Walls will give you a Good Price or Trade-in on your Old Piano; see us without delay.—M'Cracken and Walls. REQUIRED urgently, more Pianos; M'Cracken and Walls will give you a Good Price or Trade-in on your Old Piano; see us without delay.—M'Cracken and Walls. REQUIRED urgently, more Pianos; ’ M'Cracken and Walls will give you a Good Price or Trade-in on your Old Piano; see us without delay.—M'Cracken and Walls. MONEY. HOME Buyers Without Deposit.—One Shilling Weekly for each £IOO in four years provides deposit; take up shares; interest credited on subscriptions; loans on easy repayments.—Dominion Building Society, 105 High street.
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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864Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 10
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