AUCTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. 27 SECTIONS. XE W T 0 WSSEIP OF CRAIGMOK E. MAC ANDREW BAY. MAC ANDREW BAT. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. FRESH AIR. RADIANT HEALTH. . ' OLD SCHOOL SITE, OLD SCHOOL SITE, Adjoining Golf Links, and 200yds from Stores and Bus Stop. 5’ Miles Paved Highway to Dunedin. POPULAR AND BEAUTIFUL HARBOUR-SIDE SUBURB. nppOSIT BALANCE IN QUARTERLY INSTALMENTS EXTENDING OYER £lO DEPOSIT, INTEREgT 4 PER CENT. P!» B6 obtainable from Otago Education Board,peninsula Motor Service Ltd., Stores Or A N D ' at Macandrew Bay; S. PATERSON LIMITED, Real Estate Auctioneers, At Their Booms, 163 Rattray street, MONDAY, 2nd DECEMBER, at 7 p.m. ' E. . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1.30 p.m., And Continuing in the Evening at 7.15. - ISAACS’S QUABTERLY SALE OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, J From the Union Pawn Office, 5 Maclaggan street. AMES . SAMSON .AND; CO. V have received instructions from the Manager of the Union Pawn Office to sell by Public ■ Auction at Their Dowling street, the following List of Valuable Unredeemed Pledges;1931. —January 31: 284, gold chain and 81 1932 Oct.- 4 : 2,652, gem ring. iq'w-.Tan 23: 199 gold bangle watch. July 31: 1809, 2 watches; 1,900, Mot gold watch Sept.; 2,332, kodak. 1934.—March 24 :. 813, r.g. watch March-28; 841, microscope. May. Loot, r. wristlet; 1,488, r.g. wristlet. duly: l fl 3 2 diamond rings; 1,883, 1. gold wrlst ' let Aug.': 2,016, gold Geneva and muff chain Sept.: 2,363, diamond ring; 2,611, suit case P Nov;, 1: 2,829, canteen of cutlery; 2.833, ring; 2,955, ring. December : 3,190, field glasses; 3,175, 2 .? d wr L 1 fllt : 3129. gold wristlet; 3,203, gold wristlet, 3,206, liamond ring; 3,314, wg links; 3.371, fishing rod and reel, 5,384, kodak; 3,395, 2 rods, reel, and flies, 3,413, gold wristlet; 3,450, gold muff chain. g 193 S Singer sewing machme 19, o-old chain; 23, gold Geneva; 58, O old wristlet and ring;. 61, r.g. Waltham; 65, diamond cluster ring; 68, s.h. watch, 78, s. watch; 88. racket; : 95, gem ring, IM, suit case; 108, r.g. wristlet; 118, wrist let; 120; suit case; 122, t..- racket; 125, Omega watch; 126, diamond Wi W,. kodak; 149, gold bangle watch; 168, wristlet watch; 185. trombone; 186, gold chain; 195; watch; 202, g.m. greenstone chain; 205, t. racket; 220, violin, case, and bow; 224 violin- 229. concert flute and case; 230, fem ring j 245, gold h. Waltham, gold chain, and medal; 278, kodak - and case; 295 sil. h. Roles watch; 303, gold chain, 316- r.g. watch and chain;. 320, 5-stone diamond ring; 325, watch and f. pen. Feb.: 355, gem ring; 366, child s gold bangle, 373 v.m. greenstone, chain, and pendant; 375’ r.g. wristlet; 415, g.h. Waltham; 435, suit case; 442, g.h. Rotherham; 448, gold bangle and brooch; 452, electnc_ iron; 459, f pen and pencil; 471, ail. wristlet 475, gold ring; 481, gold bangle; 495, s.h. lever; 503, watch and s.m., pendant; 514, gold wristlet; 518, accordion; 525, p.p. kodak; 545 gold bangle watch; 558, marble clock; 568, kodak; 570, single stone diamond ring; 577, violin, case, and b0w;,616, r.g. wristlet;'624, sil. lever. March: 626, r.g. watch and sil. chain; 637, r.g. Elgin watch; 643, suit length; 649, gold wristlet cameo; 680, banjo-mandolin; 667, watch and chain; 670 sil. fork and. spoon; 690, 5-stone diamond ring; 692, g. ring and links ; .701, 3slone diamond ring; 723, g. bangle watch, 726, sil- watch; 738, gem ring; 742,_ sil. lever- 759, d.b. b.l. gun; 778, wristlet watch; 797, watch; 802, clock; 813, watch; 814, sil wristlet; 816, clock;, 819,. kodak; 820, f.g. bangle watch; 830, gem ring; 831, kodax and -case; 832, Swan f. pen; 863, Omega watch; 874, e.p. fish knife and fork; 877,~5.h. watch, and/,w. ring; 878,-r.g. _vristlet;- 890. g. ring; 893, sil. -levery 895, g. links: 901. gold wristlet watch; 911, r.g. W ANo Ct 200 Lots not catalogued, consisting of Jewellery of every , description; Suit Cases, Carpenters’ Tools, Musical Instruments, Tennis Rackets (by Spalding and Slazenger Ltd..), and -Fishing Rods, etc., MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 12 Noon. ' Rooms. No. 10 Dowling street. SUPERIOR RESIDENCE, 371 MAIN ROAD, N.E.V., 371 MAIN ROAD, N.E.Y., Corner Beechworth street. 6 ROOMS AND KITCHEN (13 x 10). Sizes of rcoms—l6 x 16, 17 x 12ft 6in, 14 x 13 (plus alcove), 13 x 10, 13 x 12, 10 x 10. Sun room (12ft) off magnificent dining room; cookcases; porcelain bath, shower; cupboards; concrete tubs; 2 lavs.; concrete foundations. All freshly painted, papered. Sunny freehold (cci-ner), approx. 45 x 100. ’ • ’ AUCTIONEER’S NOTE.—No hard and fast reserve. Might go at half its original valuation. £IOO deposit could be arranged with the Auctioneers. Rs. McKenzie limited, • instructed by the Owner, will sell by auction, unless earlier sold by private treaty. E. J. SMITH AND LOUSLEY, Solicitors to the Vendor. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 12 Noon. At Rooms, No. 10 Dowling street. Instructed by 'Mrs M.‘ A. Don, who has no further use fc-r the property. SOLIDLY-CONSTRUCTED HOUSE, 41 WALTON STREET, ROSLYN, 41 WALTON; STREET, ROSLYN, 5 Rooms, e. 1.,. h. arid c., gas, bathroom, washhouse, approx, g freehold. Well Let (Tenant would possibly remain) N.B—Good letting proposition or com fbrtable home for working Man. the low upset suggests a’bargain. £IOO- deposit Cards from Auctioneers. R. s. McKenzie limited. TUESDAY, 26th NOVEMBER, At 2 o’clock.. At Rooms 142 High street. UNRESERVED SALE. ■CLEARING SALE OF SUNDRIES, , FURNITURE, ETC., GAS RANGES, FIRE PROOF SAFE (27 x 16 x 14), ■ OFFICE SLOPE DESK, MILNER FIRE-PROOF DEED BOX, GENUINE ANTIQUE WELSH DRESSER (Beautiful oak inlaid), Gas Fire, Morris Chairs, Oak Overmantel, , , . , Encyclo.. Britannica, •Oil and Water Colours, Chromos, Etc. Cutter’s Table, Incubator, Coccanut Matting, Partitions and Glass Doer, l£auri • • Clear Pine Planks, Glass, For Absolute Unreserved Sale. »ARK, REYNOLDS Auctioneers. LIMITED, TUESDAY,- NOVEMBER 26th, At 2 p.m. Ir. Our Downstairs Rooms, Dowling street. Under Instructions from the Holder 1 of Sale. URNITUBE AND EFFECTS OF FIRSTCLASS BOARDING HOUSE. 8 GOOD DUCHESSE CHESTS, I SINGLE WOOD BEDS AND WIRES. DOUBLE WOOD BEDS AND WIRES, 7 WIRE SHAKEDOWNS, PRETTY OAK BEDROOM SUITE, UAINT OAK SIDEBOARD (With Deadlights). HOOVER ELECTRIC CLEANER Liarge size; nearly new; very suitable for hotels or boarding houses), HEAVY AXMINSTER RUNNER, . LARGE CHESTERFIELD SUITE (3 pieces; in moquette), , ' 2 GOOD QUALITY AXMINSTER CARPETS. OAK HALL SEAT. WALNUT IRON-FRAME PIANO, GENT’S FREE-WHEEL CYCLE. ‘ JAMES SAMSON,’ AND CO. have received instructions from the Holders of the Bill of Sale to sell, in their Downstairs Rooms, Dowling stre'et, a large catalogue of Household Furniture and -Effects, all in first-clas order—--8 duchesse chests, 8 single wood beds and ; wires", 7 shakedowns, combination bedstead, ■ raattressess, bedding, oval d. table, quaint sdeboard, Carver chairs, oak hall seat, wicker chairs, pictures, paintings, clocks, ornaments, Holland Blinds, gramophone and records, octagon tables, s.g. chair, hearthrugs, Axminster runner, 2 good carpets, bedroom suite, tea wagon, fireside chair, hall stand, kitchen tables, cooking utensils, i-iwn mower, copper kerbs, screens, CHILD’S TRICYCLE. . Also, SHACKLOCK H.P. RANGE (3ft 6in). AT WAIKOUAITI. AT WAIKOUAITI. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, . At 1 o'clock. On the Premises, Golden Fleece Boarding, House, Waikouaiti. Instructed by Mr' R. Bunting, who is giving up business on account of Illhealth. CONTENTS OF WELL-APPOINTED PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. WALNUT COTTAGE PIANO, 40 OAK STAINED DINING CHAIRS, 10 TEA TABLES. 11 DUCHESSE CHESTS, 10 SINGLE WOOD BEDSTEADS AND WIRE MATTRESSES, BLANKETS AND NAPERY, MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGE (4 points), Also, Inlaid Linoleum, Blinds, China Cabinet, Hall Stands, Hall Seat, Carpet Runner, Hair Runner, Stair Carpet and Rods, Overmanlej, Fenders, Spring-seated Chairs, Octagonal Table, Flower Stands, 10 Fleck Mattresses, Couch, Crockery and Crystal, 2-Scotch Chest, Pictures, Toilet Pedestals, Easy Chairs, Iron Bedsteads and Wire Mattresses. Curtains, Kitchen Utensils, Meat Safe, Garden Seat, 15 Fowls, 1 Pig, and outside Sundries. Also, Shop Counter, Complete Cabinet Kauri Seed Bins, Set Dayton Computing Scales to 41b, Lollie Bc-ttles, Sundry Confectionery Kauri Bench 'Top. Alex. Harris limited, have received instructions to sell by Auction, as above. YOU will most likely find the article you wish to buy advertised in the small classified columns. Get the habit *1 ilikipf IfrlE PliMil ft ~o* *•* i SUBSTANTIAL CITY RESIDENCE. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1935, At 12 Noon. At Our Rooms, 42 Princes street, Dunedin. Messes tamblyn, Rhodes, and JAMIESON have received instructions from the Owner (who is leaving for England early in New Year) to offer for sale by public auction, on the above date— That Freehold Property, being Section 57, Block 11., City of Dunedin, comprising 30.3 poles, with ' all improvements thereon, known as : No. 4 WILLIAM STREET. The house is just off High street. Large section, well laid out in lawns and flower beds; tiled roof, double-brick 8 rooms; 2 large glassed-in sun rooms commodious garage. This fine home is so constructed that it is eminently suitable for subdivision into self-contained flats with separate entrances, having two complete k’ettes, bathrooms, and conveniences. The whole property is in first-class order and commands panoramic view; Further particulars -from THE AUCTIONEERS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1935, *At 12 Noon. At Our Rooms, 42 Princes street. Under Instructions- from the District Public Trustee, as the Executor of the Estate of Helen Greig Gourlay (deceased). Messrs tamblyn, Rhodes, and JAMIESON will offer for sale by public auction, as under: — All that piece of land situate in the City of Dunedin, containing 9 poles approx., being Part Sect. 15, Blk. XXII., Town of Dunedin, with all improvements thereon, being 6-roomed wooden dwelling and outbuildings, known as No. 247 CASTLE STREET. The house is in good order, having been recently renovated; is located in a good situation, handy to the centre of tiie city and easy walking to the railway station or any part of the town; electric light, hot and cold, ‘ all conveniences, workshop; and is for sale to wind up deceased estate. Further particulars foom THE DISTRICT PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Dunedin; OrTHE AUCTIONEERS. SHORT-NOTICE, SALE. THURSDAY, 28th NOVEMBER, At 12 o’clock. At Rooms, Princes street. Instructed by Mrs' E. M’Keay, who is giving up housekeeping. SPLENDID FREEHOLD ALLOTMENT AND FOUR-ROOMED COTTAGE, KNOWN AS No. 185 SOUTH ROAD. 2 minutes from penny section, Caversliam tram. Top of Baker street. Beautifully elevated, glorious position, sunny. 4-ROOMED COTTAGE, electric light, scullery, and outbuildings. A valuable Property. Area, 16.4 poles, more or less. NO FANCY RESERVE. A- VALUABLE PROPERTY. Owner leaving Dunedin at an early date. Great chance. Alex karris limited, Auctioneers. IN order to have the-‘Star’ out in good time it is found impossible to classify Advertisements that come in after noon. After this hour they cannot be classified. We would therefore request Advertisers to kindly bear this in inind and send in their Order* pß«elj>
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Evening Star, Issue 22194, 23 November 1935, Page 20
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1,759Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 22194, 23 November 1935, Page 20
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