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YOUHGER ARTISTS SHOW PROMISE I. The Winter Sketch and Crafts Exhibition of the Otago Art Society, revived alter a lapse of some years, reveals highly creditable work by Otago artists. A general survey of the exhibits staged in the Pioneer Hall leaves a very pleasing impression, not only because many experienced artists have shown work of a very high standard, but also because numerous young painters have revealed distinct promise. The decision of the society to revive the winter exhibition has certainly been justified, there being 310 pictures in colour. '44 etchings and drawings, and numerous examples of arts and crafts. Few visitors to the gallery will approve whole-heartedly of everything on the walls. There are weak spots, just as there arc weak spots in the most correct and academic of exhibitions; but many of the pictures show deep and , sincere thought, together with an attractive freshness of outlook, and, in some cases, a boldness and decision that are stimulating. Jn cases where their qualities are not at once evident, sympathetic study will often reveal much that lies beneath the surface. After all. if a work of art is worth anything, it is worth more than, a casual glance.
It is always a pleasure to see work hy Mr W. Alien Bollard, who on this occasion lias shown eight pictures in oil, all of scenes that are familiar to residents of Dunedin. So faithfully does ho reproduce the atmosphere and so good is tlw perspective that the onlooker generally does not need to read the title of his picture to recognise the locality. ‘Dunedin from Opoho’ is one of the best of Mr Bollard’s collection, giving a true picture of the foreground, and the middle distance being noteworthy for its curious light. In this, as in the other pictures, the handling of the colours has been extremely well done. ‘ The Leith at M'Gavin’s ’ is another picture with a very pleasing effect, the rendering of the stone building revealing tb© work of an experienced brush. ' Upper Leith’ is a true representation of the subject, the water rushing among the rocks giving a sense of reality. Typical Otago scenery is faithfully revealed in ‘ Barm Land and Swamp. Brighton,’ a skilful use of colours producing a picture that would give pleasure in any home. In.‘Dunedin from Littlebourne Rise’ Mr Bollard has achieved further success with a view that presents difficulties, his treatment of the mud flat at the end of the harbour being particularly well done.
Exquisite work is seen in Miss Kath-. leen Salmond’s water colours, seven of which are shown. The colourings of ‘ Roses ’ is pure, and gives a delightful natural effect. This sketch would adorn the walls of any home. The excellent perspective makes a very happy picture of ‘Autumn Light,’ a difficult subject cleverly handled by an experienced artist. ‘ The Hills Beyond ’ is another delightful sketch, attractive, clean, and full of atmosphere as a water colour should bo. Full of lifo and animation is ‘ The Sun-lit Shed,’ a picture that faithfully portrays its title.
Mrs P. L. Ritchie lias eight pictures, all of them very pleasing. Perhaps the best of her collection is ' Entrance to Opoho Residence,’ a picture which has a nice sense of composition. The stone steps and the brick wall break naturally into the surrounding foliage. Mrs Ritchie’s other pictures are well conceived and nicely painted. The reflected lights and water in one show the touch of a sure hand. Bright pictures of local scenery are shown by Mr John Brock, whoso colour work sets a very high standard. The morning sunlight is delightfully pictured in ‘ Early Morning, Karitane.’ in which the colouring is remarkably clean. A tree study at is full of animation, and ‘ Refections on the River. Karitane ’ is a l ie example of that class of painting. The details of familiar scones arc faithfully reproduced by Mr Brock, and the draughtsmanship is invariably correct. It is to be hoped that Mr Brock, who has not exhibited so freely at recent displays, will show more of his attractive work in the future.
Both in treatment and in draughtsmanship marked improvement is shown by Miss R. Lothian in her eight
pictures. Composition and atmosphere make * Dunedin From Opoho ’ a fine achievement, thty broad treatment to the foreground giving contrast to the distance. The best of this'artist’s collection is ‘ The Fuchsia Tree,’ in which the colouring is skilfully handled and the reflections in the water very pleasing. ‘Trees in Winter’ icveals good draughtsmanship, the _ trees being natural and full of music. The green tones in the foreground impart a sense of reality. W. J. Williamson’s ‘ Lawyer’s Head ’ is' sketchy, but full of life, "the pools of water round the rocks being very correctly painted. The artist seems to be on the track for fuller work, ‘ Harbour View ’ is also worthy of mention, the headland across the water being well contrasted with the distant hills. A. H. O'Keeffe still retains his artistic touch, and cleverly handles his colours in a number of exhibits. ‘ Misty Morning ’ certainly portrays what the title indicates, and the curious light among the buildings could be imparted only by a falcated hand. ‘ Anderson’s Bay ’ is full of atmosphere, and has splendid colour tones, the clouds and distant cliff being particularly well done. In ‘ Pochade,’ a clever sketch, the flesh tones and blue grey tones of the coat are worthy of the artist. Outstanding is the work of Mr Bussell Clark, whose water colours give further evidence of his virile colouring and sure technique. They undoubtedly set a high standard. ‘ Settler’s Hut ’ is a happy composition, and ‘ North Island Township ’ is very pleasing, with its correct atmosphere and good draughtsmanship. The treatment of ‘ Ballet Dancer ’ shows great skill, the head being well done. Mr Clark’s ‘ Composition 1 sketch in oil is not so happy as his work in the lighter medium. It is doubtful ,if the title conveys much to the average onlooker. ‘ The Routeburn Flat ’ is an unpretentious sketch, but M. B. Holloway has handled the colour medium skilfully and produced a very pleasing effect. It ,is the best of her collection, which indicates that this artist shows distinct promise. ‘ Tumbling Sea ’ is a very pleasing sketch by F. R. Brown. The breakers are well clone, and the transparency of the water is very naturally portrayed. Of F. E. Reynolds’s work, ‘ Foliage, Honolulu.’ is cleverly handled.
Work of a varied nature is ottered by W. M. Cox, in whose ‘ Primroses ’ the flowers are colourful and natural, the medium having been skilfully applied. »Some of the other pictures by this artist are inclined to be devoid of life. Greater roundness and solidity would improve the work and rid it of a little flatness. In the picture ‘ For the Eye Alone ’ an improvement would have been made by bringing more to the foreground, the lettuce, which in its present position is pushed into the bottles standing behind. In other words, the perspective needs attention. Miss E. B. Jean’s pictures suggest the making of a very successful artist. Her composition is excellent, and her general colour treatment is good. In ‘ From Flagstaff ' she suggests a delightful sunlit atmosphere. The masses of the picture are well conceived, and help to compensate for a slight fault in the draughtsmanship. This artist would improve her already very fine work by paying a little more attention to drawing. The lighting in ‘ln the Leith Valley ’ is cleverly handled. Neat draughtsmanship is a feature of tho work of A. Dickison. The colour treatment is reminiscent of the older schools and a little dry. Combined with this artist’s knowledge of drawing broader treatment of colour would effect a great improvement. Miss Maisie B. Roe’s ‘ Logan’s Park Quarry ’ is the best of her collection. It has been given different and better treatment from the rest, and is altogether happily conceived. Visitors to the exhibition should not miss the work of Mr Bob Reid, who has submitted a number of small pictures of outstanding merit. Ho has undoubtedly captured tho true sense of Nature in some of her most delightful moods. All the work is of a high standard, and it is not easy to place the pictures in order of merit. The colouring, draughtsmanship, and perspective of ‘ Manuka Creek ’ are excellent, and ‘ Sunlight in the Old Barn ’ (at Mount Stuart) gives the onlooker a real sense of pleasure. There is a masterly touch in the placing of the rocks and the colouring of the water in ‘ Water of Leith,’ a charming little picture of a well-known spot. Scenes around Otago Harbour and the Peninsula come from the brush of G. W. Carrington, whose results are typical of the localities he sets out to portray. Pleasing effects are produced in ‘ Near Sandymount ’ and ‘ Hooper’s Inlet.’ . , Real artistic treatment is imparted by J. D. Charlton Edgar. ‘Old Qate, Bruges ’ is not unlike the work of Burleigh Brull, a worthy tribute to Mr Edgar’s efforts. ‘ Drifting Rain ’ is another very fine sketch, and a picture of an estuary of Lake Wanaka is notable for very fine composition, the distance from the foreground to the hills at tho back being cleverly done. A skilful touch was needed to portray the shrubs on the flat sandy reach so well. , „ ~ , . Pleasing work comes from the brush of Mr R. T. Little, whose artistic touch has lost none of its skill. In fa'ct, there is a distinct improvement in some of his work. In all respects his ‘ Low Tide, Onelumga,’ is a beautiful piece of work, and clever draughtsmanship and colouring are features of his dockland scene at Port Chalmers. The attention of students might well be called to Mr Little’s excellent draughtsmanship. Mr Little knows how to draw tho lines of boats, his excellent painting of which is a strong feature of his work. E. M'Ara displays sound draughtsmanship and good colouring effect in ‘ Cannon Street Railway Station.’ It would be a welcome change if this artist dealt with local subjects. Of J. 13. Hope’s pictures the best is ‘ Upland Pastures, Early Spring,’ which has far more atmosphere than his others. Several of his sketches are a trifle flat and cold. This artist should pay more attention to light and shade, and should work in a brighter colour key.
(To be continued.)
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Evening Star, Issue 21427, 2 June 1933, Page 2
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1,721OTAGO ART SOCIETY Evening Star, Issue 21427, 2 June 1933, Page 2
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OTAGO ART SOCIETY Evening Star, Issue 21427, 2 June 1933, Page 2
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