SOME PRE-WAR PRICES. It is rather entertaining, in these days of 12-aminea suits, with their incidentals proportionately priced,' to see what a writer in 1901 considered as top West End prices for the man of fashion. The silk hat. then absolutely indispensable, was priced at 255, but many well-dressed men did not pay so much, we are told. The Homlburg hat, which 18 years ago must have been a bit of an adventure, could be seeure-d for 14s 6d, and an English straw hat for 7s 6d. The lonnge suit was priced at six guineas, but if only for country wear could he bought for a guinea less. Ordinary gloves (London wear) were 3s per pair, and wool half-hose 2s 9d. The less distinguished ca?e of the man "who is not well dressed, but is well clothed" was also dealt with—the sort of man, the writer tells us, who would "as soon thinl>of purchasing a flying machine as siiken'Tinderwear." This man found it necessary "to pay only~l7s 9d for his silk hat, and his tweed cap could be got for 3s. It is assumed that, 'being a comparatively poor man, he would wear clothes made of lasting material. Therefore, he was given a blue Melton overcoat. That overcoat, made by a West End tailor, cost £6 3s. And surely we must envy his ability in those davs to huy a flannel suit for £l. 18s 6d ! Whether tie 'bought white kid gloves, or doeskin, or " two-button calf," his maximum price need not have been more than 2s lOd a pair. And he got his real wool pants for 7s 3d a pair. His boots, " useful but not pretty," cost 23s 6d or 25s 6d, either in Russian or . patent leather. And 1910 was also a time of war, with prices that were higher than usual. If only could return to the " war prices " of those days!
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 8
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