Preia Ai»oei«.tlon—By Tslegraph—CopyrlsMAustralian and N.Z. Cable 'Association. STRIKE FEVER. SYDNEY, December. 25. On the arrival of the Niagara from Vancouver the engineers served the owners with notice. i^j 6 I " rvmon nave given the employers 1-4 days' notice of a strike unless their demands for increased pay are .granted. ' INFLUENZA STATISTIOS. SYDNEY, December 25. The New South Wales Health Department's report shows 6,254 deaths in New South Wales from influenza during the year, whereof 3,770 were males, largely young men. It is estimated that 290,000, or 36 per cent, of the population, were attacked. The deaths amounted to 3.9C2, the mortality rato being 9.3 per cent, of those attacked. Statistical evidence indicates the_ high value of vaccination as a means of diminishing the more severe complications and loss of life. PROHIBITED EXPORTS. ■ MELBOURNE, December 25. A proclamation has been issued which prohibits the expor|t of kinematograph films and silver coin from Australia. VICTORIAN POLITICS. MELBOURNE, December 25. The "Victorian Legislative Assembly amended the Constitution, enabling a special allowance of £2OO-per annum to be paid to the Leader of the Opposition. HOT AND BUSY CHRISTMAS. . SYDNEY, December 25. Ihe Christmas season was marked bv a greater influx of visitors and bv freer spending than for years. The business people declare that the volume of badness, despite tho abnormal prices, is greater than has ever been previously experienced. Hot and sultry weather characterised the Christmas holidays. Bevond the enormous shopping rush, Christmas Eve passed off quietly, and a Sabbath calm prevailed today. n
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 6
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