DOMINION TOURNAMENT. The draw for the rinks, play commencing in Christchurch on Monday, January 12, is announced. Following are the engagements of the local players.:— Section A (first day, Canterbury Green; second day, Christchurch Green; third day, Sumner Green). —Dunedin (E. Harraway), St. Clair (Amtman), Kaituna (P. Seelye}. Section B (first day, Opawa; second, St. Albans; third, Canterbury).—Green Island (D. Buchanan), St. Kilda (W. Jacobsen). Section C (first day, Christchurch; second, United; third, Kaiapoi).—Otago (C. Jt. Smith). Section F (first day, Sumner; second, Canterbury ; third, Christchurch). —Roslyn (R. H. Scott). " Section H (first day, United: secand Kaiapoi; third, Linwood). —St. Kilda (H. Smeaton). Section I. (first day, Sydenham; second, New Brishion ; third ! , Edgeware).—Dunedin (J. Johnson). Section J (first day, Linwood; second, Beckenham : third, United). —North-east Valley (D. Hutchison). Sect-ion L (first day, Beckenham; second. Linwood; third, New Brighton). —Fairfield (H. W. Mann). —Doubles.— Beckenham Green.—Section A: H. W. Mann (Fairfield). Section B: J. Barclay (Faii-fietd). Canterbury No. 2 Green.—P. Seelye (Kaituna). Christchurch Green.—H. Smeaton (St. Kilda), E, Falconer (Otago), Section H. Kaiapoi Green.—P. M'Caskell (Otago), R. H. Scott (Roslyn), E. Harraway (Dunedin). Linwood Green.—G. Nelson (Dunedin}Lyttelton Green.—F. H. King (Otago). Opawa Green.—D. Hutchison (Northeast Valley). Papanui Green.—H. G. Brooks (St. Clair), C. R. Smith (Otago). St. Albans Green.—C. Amtman £St. Olair), W. Jacobsen (St. Kilda). Sumner Green.—Dr Harrison (Dunedin), T. C. Coull (Roslyn). Sydenham Green. —J. Allan (Kaituna), D. M. Stuart (St. Kilda). United Green.—J. Johnson (Dunedin), J. Tonkin (North-east Valley), D. Buchanan (Green Island), J. White (St. Kikla"). —Singles.—■ Names of greens given first: — Edgeware.—J. Allen, H. Smeaton, Dr Harrison, G. Nelson. Opawa.—W. M. Hogg. Canterbury.—H. Frapweil, E. Falconer, J. White, D. M. Stuart, E. Harraway. Christchurch.—A. M'Kenzie, D. E. Hutchison, H. W. Mann, L A. Peters, F. J. Bishop. New Bighton.—C. Amtman, R. Aitchison, H. Harris, W. Foster, J, Johnson, J. Dovr. St. Albans.—A. Walker, P, M'Caskill. Linwood.—T. C. Ooull, J. C. Rigby, L. Curti3, M. Marmer., Beckenham.—i\y. Jacobsen, J. Tonkin. Sydenham.—Y. Nicolson, P. Seelye, D. Buchanan. S. Lei'th.
Teams from the Central Otago Centre will play two games in Dunedin to-mor-row against representatives of the Dunedin Centre. One match will be played on the Dunedin Green in the morning, and the other on the. Balmacewan Green in the afternoon. The Otago Central representatives will be:—Clyde: H. E. Stevens, W. Sutherland, P. Miller, J. E. Menzies, R. Brrngans, G. Piper, F. Williams, J. Davidson, C. M'Glone. Alexandra: J. UKane, E. Marsh'n, W. Fraser, E. Lawry, and another. Cromwell: W. Campbell, Dr fchore, L. Jolly, B. Jolly, W. Richards, 5 C> a JTDonald, J. Bell, M. Murray,
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 5
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