«. TRAMWAY EMPLOYEES' GRIEVANCES. A largely attended meeting of the Christchurch tramway employees was held on Saturday morning to discuss tiieii giiovanees. " Tlw Executive Lad recommended that members of the T-adee and Labor Council and representatives of the newspaper." be allowed to be picsent, but the meeting decided not to permit the reporters to remain, on the "round that a report of the discussion might jntiame the public and get the Boards "back up." ■j he meeting lasted from 0.15 a.m. till 3.15 a. m. On the secretary being approached lor a report, he .stated that under instructions from the meeting he had nothing to communicate for publication. It in understood that widespread dissatisfaction exists amongst the employees, this being due to annoying pin-pricks consequent on the alleged uutactful methods oi 'Lc The general management aleo causes co* eiderable ciifsatkf action.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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