SCENE IN PARLIAMENT. Press Associatien—By Teleipraph—©opyrighU OTTAWA, March 20. (Received March 20, at 3 a.m.) It is officially staled that the Canadian Northern Transcontinental Railway will bo completed in January, 1914. There was a lively scene in Parliament when Mr Glen Campbell was accused of not having acted in the interests of the country, and with seeking to influence the Lands Department. He called Dr Neeley a liar, and an uproar followed, which the Deputy-Speaker was unablo to silence for fnine time. Members asserted that the accusation ought to be withdrawn before the retort. It is .said that the Toronto citizens -who are accused beforo the Chicago Grand Jury in connection with the Alaskan coal lands fraudu are not extraditable. The expected case against them will be abandoned.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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