A SIGNIFICANT SILENCE ON OVERSEA LOCAL NAVIES. Pr«ss Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, March 18. ' The Times' says that it is r ' us, and perhaps significant, that the House of Commons debates are almost silent upon tho Dominion's preparations to assist the Motherland in sea defence. Admiral Henderson's report had attracted wide attention, likewise Sir J. G. Ward's speech at Sydney. The Dominions recognise by their past co-operation that changes may occur, rendering it advisable to re-c6tablifih tho basis for the Far Eastern fleet, and necessitating tho inclusion of Dreadnoughts. If Admiral Henderson's proposals are accepted Australia may provide two armored cruisers instead of one in 1915. If India, Coylon, and the Straits Settlements were to combine with Australia to provide a moiety of tho Eastern fleet the Homeland could not decline to supply tho other half. Twelve armored cruisers in tho Pacific are none too many. GREAT BRITAIN AND AUSTRALIA'S DANGER, LONDON, March 19. (Received March 20, at 8.25 a.m.) Tho 'Sunday Times' says that Aus\ralia's fear of Japan is more reasonable than Great Britain's fear of Germany, yet Great Britain, in her egoism and fear, has concentrated her ships in the North SenSir Edward Grey and Mr M'Kenna are wholly absorbed in Great Britain's possible danger. If Japan forced her plicy upon Australia, tho United States, or Canada, Great Britain's margin would be so lino that she would bo unable to interfere Admiral Henderson's Teport shows that Australia's preparation for defence is rather leisurely, but the progress of events is likely to quicken the pace.
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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