The Molyneux River was at, the 4ft mark at Alexandra this morning, and the weather was fine. The Nelson Creek dredge-master wires : Resumed dredging on Saturday afternoon. The Sailor's Bend dredge has been pulled further up the river, owing to the rough nature of the ground. The prospers of good returns being won are considered good. The master of the Golden Bed dredge reports that since effecting repairs by fixing plates on tumbler, etc.. whilst stopped for boiler inspection, ho was pulling the dredge ahead through drifgt. consequently there" was no wash-up Inst week. The 'Alexandra Herald' says: ' We understand that preliminary arrangements are now in hand with a view to floatine a company to purchase the Island Basin dred«e and giving the old Golden l'alls claim' a trial. This portion of the gorge has never vet received a trial, and as it, is 'regarded a likely claim by dredging men the venture should pan out well to in tending investors." RETURNS. Sailor's Bend : 9oz 9dwt. Ota"o No. 2 : 13oz, 118 hours. Golden Treasure : lloz lOdwt, 102 hours. THE SHARE MARKET. DtJNEDIN EXCHANGE. Sale on 'Change: Saxon, 2/4. Sales reported: National Mortgage, 65/6; Junction, 28/. Morning quotations : —Dredging.— Golden Red—Buy 11/0, sol 16/6. Hartley and Riley—Sol 20/ Sailor's Bend—Buy 4/6, sel o/9. —Quartz.— Consolidated Gold fields—Sol 19/6. Progress Mines of N.Z.—Buy </». Kurunui Caledonian—Sol 1/4. Mav Queen—Sel 2/1. N.Z. Crown Mines—Buy 3/5, sel 3/8. . New Svlvia—Sel 3/. Old Hauraki—Buy 2/2. Talisman Consolidated—Buy 40/6, sel 50,'.. Watchman—Buy 2/8, sol 2/f). Waihi—Buy 63/9, sel 65/6. Waihi Grand Junction—Buy 27/9, sel 28/3. —lnvestments. Bank of N.Z.—Buy 223/. ; National Insuranco Co.—Buy 35/. N.Z. Insurance Co.—Buy 84/6. I Union Steam Ship Co.—Buy 37/9. Wostport Coal Co.—Buy 28/9, sel 29/. Westport Stockton —Buy 3/6, sel 5/. Donaghy's Rope and Twine—-Sel 25/. Milburn Lime and Cement (10/) —Sel 40/6.
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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