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Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright.
LONDON, March 19. There is very strong competition at the wool sales. Prices are unchanged. Continental buyers are keenly competing for merinoes and fine medium croes-breds. (Received March 20, at 9.50 a.m.) The quantity of wool catalogued to date is 47,624 bales, and sold 46,265 bales. THE MARKETS. Press Association—By Telosrraph— Copyright. LONDON, March 19. (Received March 20, at 9.50 a.m.) Rabbits : Quiet and unchanged. The new season's Australian are excellent both 36 regards quality, condition, and grading. frozen Meat :" Sheep—Canterbury, unchanged ; North Island, 3id; best brands, 3jjd. Lambs—Canterbury, light and medium, si<l; heavy, s£d ; North Island, 4gd; selected brands, 4|d. Beef—Fores, 3d ; hinds, 3£d. Australian—Sheep, light 213-16 d, heavy 211-16 d; lambs, unchanged; beef, fores 2Jd, hinds 3Jd. River Plate—Sheep and lambs, unchanged ; beef, fores 215-16 d; hinds, 3Jd. Galvanised iron : Best, £l3 7s 6d; second brands, £l3 2s 6cl. Angle steel, £5 12s 6d. Tram rails, £4 19s. Wire netting 60 per cent, and 2£- per cent, off the list. THE WHEAT SUPPLY. LONDON, March 19. (Received March 20, at 8.20 a.m.) The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 3,950,000 quarters, and for the Continent 2,650,000 quarters. Tho Atlantic shipments were 111,000 quarters, and the total supplies : Europe, 1,295,000 quarters; Argentina, 313,000 quarters; Russia, 425,000 quarters ; Daiuibian provinces, 70,000 quarters; India, 129,000 quarters; and Australasia,'l7o,ooo quarters. FREEHOLDS IN THE KAIKORAI. Messrs Park, Reynolds sold by auction on Saturday afternoon thirty-eight sections, varying in size from one-eighth acre to a half-acre, situate in St. Albans Township, j Kaikorai Valley. 'These sections have a frontage either to the Valley road or tho 6tieets, Ipswich and St. Albans, formed through the township. The land is either level or on a very easy slope, and that it was regarded as a good speculation was evidenced by the largo number of buyers who put in an appearance on ilia spot, and stayed throughout the rain till Mr Reynolds had knocked down the last section* There was also ottered a farm block, suitable for a dairy farm, at the back of St. Albans. It consists of twentyeight and three-quarter acres, and was disposed of to Mr Nelson at £2l an acre. '.'he building sections sold as under: Block 1, section 9. Mr Smart, £SO; sections 10 and 11. Mr Rcughton, £57 10s; section 12, Mr Chapman, £4B 10s; section 13, Air Curno, £52 10s; sections 14 and 15, Mr Bush, £BS. Block 2, section 1, Mr J. Adamson, £SO; section 9, Mr D. Mastcrton, £35; section 10, Mr J. Evan*, £sl; section 11 £65, section 12 £53, and section 14 £53, Mr Roberts; section 13, Mr Godbv. £56; section 15, Mr J. O'Brien, £6l ; section 16, Mr Gordon, £3O; section 17. Mr Cockimr. £36 10s; section 18, Mi O'Brien, £32 10s; section 19, Mr Carter, £57 10s; section 20, Mr H. Poupart, £37 10s. Block 3, sections 3 and 4, Mr W. Adamson. £72 10j ; section 5, Mr Moore. £59; sections 6 and 7. same buyer, £65; section 8, Mr Ellis, £46; section 9, Mr S. Macdonahl, £57 10s; section 10, Mr R. Wise, £42 10s. HIGH COMMISSIONER'S" REPORT. [Per United Press Association.] WELLINGTON, March 20. The High Commisoner cabled from London on March 18 as follows : Mutton : The market is quiet, with a tendency in favor of buyers. Canterbury 3fd, North Island 3gd, Australian 2j[d, River Plate 2Jd. Lamb : The market is dull of sale for all lambs. Canterbury s>d; other than Canterbury, 4=d; Australian, 3|d; River Plate, 3Jd. Beef : The market is firm, with more enquiry. Stocks of New Zealand beef on hand are light. New Zealand, hinds 3J<l, fores 3g. Butter : Market quiet, but firm for the best quality. Choicest New Zealand, 106s; Australian," 102s; Danish, 120s; Siberian, 104s. Cheese : Market firm, with a general active demand. White 60s. colored 60 per cwt. Hemp :' The market is firm. New Zealand, good to fair, on spot. £2O 10s; fair grade, £2O; fair current Manila, £l9 10s for all positions). The output from Manila for the week was 26,000 bales. Wool: The market remains firm and competition well sustained. Kauri guru : The market is quiet, but holders axe firm. For'the best qualities of ordinary fair three-quarter scraped, £8 10s; fair half scraped, £5 2s 6d; brown, fair half and three-quarter scraped, £4 ss; brown pickings, common to good, 4s ; bush, fair to good pale amber, scraped, £8 2s 6d. There is a stock of 300 tons. Pork : The market is weaker, though not actually lower, at si<l per lb.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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760COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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