£I,OOO WORTH TAKEN. [Per United Press Association.] AUCKLAND, March 20. The premises of Mx Adolph Kohn, jeweller, Queen street, were burglariously entered between 9.30 on Sunday night and this morning, and robbed of jewellery valued at £I,OOO. An entrance was effected through an. unprotected window in the side of the shop above tho roof of adjoining premises. The shop and front window were lighted as usual, tho window being completely exposed to the view of anyone passing. Despite that fact, tho contents of the window were completely cleared. A showcase on the counter was emptiod, and the floor was strewn with empty jewellery cases and trays. A vexy careful selection had been made, nothing fl a bulky nature being fclawfc
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
Word Count
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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