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NORTHERN CLUT'/S REFORT. The following report will be- suhmittcd at the annual meeting of the Northern .association Football Club on Friday next: The Committee arc pleased to he able to congratulate the club on continued success and pros|*rity. The membership was attain extremely 'lame, and enabled .be club to place six teams in the field each Saturday. Very few ot our players were ever unci >r-the criticism of misconduct from the referees. May it long be that standard. IV first eleven* team played 10 matches, won 8, lost- 1, and drew 1; goals for, 26 ; against, 6. The winners of the Senior Championship and Chanty Banner competition was plaved oft* with the runners-tip lUavensboume),' and after a- keenly-con-tested game our team was successful .in wi'nnintr' bv 4 goals to 3. The only 'defeat sustained wart by 1 goal to ml (the liist "ime of the season). This team are to lie' complimented upon their position considering it was made up with several -junior players, who withheld their positions creditably throughout the season. The second eleven, who wero nofc so successful as the seniors, played 11, won 0, lost 5, drawn 0 ; goals for. 34 ; against, 11 This team lacked combination, consequent on insufficient training and practice. Flayers should be urged upon* to support the'club's pavilion. As to the third eleven, the A learn were, not so successful as they mb'ht have been. They played 11, won 2, lost 5. drawn 4 ; goals- for, 12; against, 19. The. B team plaved 11, won 5, lost 4, drawn 2 ; goals for. 19 ; against, 17. In the fourth .-radc the C team are to be, complimented mi tlu meritorious manner ini which thev won their competition, riayed 11, won 9, lost 0, drawn 2 ; goals for, 43 ; against, 6. They narrowly missed winning the five-a-sidc bv half a point, and they easily defeated" the schools' senior rep. team. The, 1) team ~laved 11. won 2, lost 8, drawn 1; goals for, 9; against, 33. The club were well represented in interprovinrial matches. The club .are to be credited with the wiping off of the debt standing on the pavilion, and we extend our heartiest thanks to all who assisted in so doing. The pavilion proves of great advantage to visiting teams also. Training was" carried out in a. satisfactory manner, but the Committee urge the necessity of all players making good use of the pavilion and around at least twice a week. The standard of play shown by the club generally can only bo retained bv consistent training. Tho ground was ill capita! playing order throughout last season, and promises to be even more so for the incoming one. Our club wish to congratulate the George Street School as winners of the iunior tirade matches. At the O.F.A. carnival the club (bracketed with llavensbourne) held a stall, and we desire to specially thank Mrs Duncan and all the lady friends who assisted her in trving to make the stall a success. It may ' be said that the players did not show the interest, they should have in this direction. From 'a financial standpoint the condition of the club is healthy, and there is every prospect of gaining strength in this respect. The best thanks of the club are due to all. who assisted financially, to the 0.F.A., to the
Referees' Association, to the Press, to Mr Yorston ■ for tho manner in which he looked after uio pavilion and threw his house open for committee meetings, also to our president and all vice-presidents and supporters for the manner in | which they have followed tho club's in-t'ereste. The Committee wish to thank the treasurer (Mr J. V. Evans) for tho able manner in which he has kept his books, and point out that the outlook for the coming | season is very encouraging. [ MORNINGTON CLUB. The following is the twenty-third annual report to be presented at the meeting of the Morningtan Association Football Club, to be held to-night: The Committee congratulate the members upon the enthusiasm displayed in connection with the affairs of the club. The following points were secured by the respective elevens:—Senior team, flayed 10, won 2, drawn 2, lost 6, points b ; second team, played 12, won 2, drawn 2, lost 8, points 6; third team, played 12, won 5, drawn 3, lest 4, points 13;' 4A, played 11, won 7, drawn 2, lost 2, 16 cup points; 48, played 10, wan 1, drawn 1. lost 8, 3 cup points. The cup, donated by Mr I). Anderson for he best allround player gaining most points in training, improved play, and assistance to the club, was won by T. Young. A small presentation was also made to T. Allen, who has been transferred to lnvercargill. At a meeting of the Committee vided excellent training to those memliers tho advisability ot joining the High Street Gymnastic Club. This club provided excellent trainin gto ihose members who availed themselves of the opportunity, and we hope that this year the members will be fully alive to the necessity of hard training. A concert in aid of club funds was he/J on the 13th September, and proved a financial success. During the season the Otago Football Association held a carnival to raise funds for the further improvement of playing areas, and the Committee noted with pleasure the enthusiasm displayed by our lady supporters and members in furthering this worthy object, A very enjoyable social was held in St. Mary's Hall, which proved a success m every way. A tmoke concert was also held in Air Napier's Hail. a/:d the Committee fot-J sure that, functions of this kind do a vast amount of good in promoting good feeling among" the members. The thanks of lite club are due- to the Press for publicity given to all the doings of the club and Association loolball in general, the Referees* Club, the Mornington Council for use of hall, and .Mis Jackson, who with her hard-working Committee assisted so willingly in connection with tho [Football Association carnival. I'tring the coining season the players will have the } opportunity of playing on the Mornington Ground, which was improved last- seaI son. Unfortunately, the dryness of the last ! year was greatly' again.-t the work, but if Hither improvements are to oe out when an opportunity arses.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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1,054LOCAL SOCCER Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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LOCAL SOCCER Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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