PUBLIC NOTICES. If you're looking for Bargains come straight to McDonald's. We are the favorites with care-HALF-YEARLY ful and economical buyers. You can rely upon getting from us Good, Honest, and Reliable Boots and Shoes at Prices Lower than the Lowest, What you save on one pair enables you to buy another. uJ\lLlts Still Going Strong. s. Mcdonald's cash boot store. 97-99 Stuart Street. J. Napier, Manager. t~' :j T i Ksagmmmmmsm!^, It Will Pay You'to Inspect Our kir^iwi WBWMBtiBmm ■JMMt During this we are making special efforts ta rsduos our large stock of Bedsteads. Intending Purchasers should visit our Show Rooms and compare our Prices and our Quality. Wo guarantee thorough satisfaction. Our principle is: " SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK." TRY US. 17 WILL PAY YOU. LOT NO. 1. q p. Single Iron Bedstead. Double s « V Wire Woven Mattress, Flock Bed i (buttoned), Two Kapok Pillows, i Lot, £2 15S. LOT NO. 2. Full-size Iron Bedstead, Double Wire Woven Mattress. Flock Bel i (buttoned). Flock Bolster, Two L Kapok Pillows. RSS The Lot for £3 17s 6d. \\[N LOT NO. 3. *^j" Brass-rail Bedstead (full size), Double Wire Woven Mattress, Kapok Bed, Flock Bolster, Two .; Kapok Pillows. The Loc for £4 9s 6d. LOT NOi 7 . If Flock Buttoned Bed instead _ , ,' ' ~ . of Kapok £4 4S. Same as above, but 3ft size, LOT NO. 4. £t 12S ' Heavy Brass-rail Bedstead (full LOT NO. 9. size), Double Wire Woven Mat- j?j ce Pattern Dinner Sec, 20 tress, Kapok Bed, Flock Bolster, p j eces Qg plates, 3 me at dishes, Two Kapok Pillows. ! sauce boat, 2 covered dishes). The Lot for £4 16s 6d. Special price, t3s 9d. If Flock Buttoned Bed instead of Kapok, the Lot for £4 11s 6d. LOT NO. 12. LOT NO. 6. Half-dozen Cups and Saucers, 26Emergency Outfit—Double Wire pieco Dinner Set, Table Lamp, Woven Shakedown (folding legs., Teapot, Set of Jugs, 2 Basins, 2ft 6in), Flock Buttoned Bed, Jam Dish, Butter Dish, CandleKapok Pillow. stick, Ewer, Basin, and Chamber. The Lot for £1 6s 6d. The Lot for £1 11s 3d. imnfrv/>Mci:#.VMMy» ThePEOPLE'S IfiONMONCERS,ISSandIS7 RATTRAY ST., DUNEDIN. Letters of Inquiry Promptly Attended To.
Special Show of Novelties for Autumn. The First Great Display of Autumn and Winter Fashions will be made on Tuesday, Mar. 14, and following days. EVERY SEASONABLE NOVELTY Will be on View, including Choice and Ex elusive Models in Millinery, Evening Frocks, Costumes, Coats, &c. INSPECTION COURTEOUSLY INVITED, R iF-MMamim Prospective Easter Brides are invited to call and inspect some of our Hn'daJ Portraits and Groups, from which it will be seen that in these, as well as in all our other work, we secure the animated expression without which the photograph cannot be regarded as successful. We are now booking engagements for Easter "Weddings. Call and arrange early. j.mkWiiaHMMMIi PHOTOGRAPHERS, MORAY PLACE (corner Princes street) *>,*,..* B * IW,WWWMI,IWW
Page 10 Advertisements Column 5
Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 10
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