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Winter Jerseys, For Ladies! * *» South 9 Dunedin. Reliable Qualities Good Style Novelty—Newest Colorings—Splendid Values—are points that you will appreciate in the following:-ENGLISH-MADE HOSIERY FOR LADIES' WINTER WEAR. Ladies' 4-1 ribbed Cashmere Hose, seamless feet, 1/ per pair. Ladies' 2-1 ribbed Cashmere Hose, seamless feet, 1/1-J per pair. 2-1 ribbed Cashmere Hose, good winter wear, all wool, 1/6, 1/11|j 2/3, 2/6, 2/11 per pair. Tan Cashmere Hose, plain Cashmere, in assorted shades, 1/3, 1/9, 2/3 per pair. Ribbed Cashmere Hose, 1/, 1/3, 1/11£, 2/3, 2/6 per pair. Children's Tan Cashmere Hose, 2-1 rib, splendid quality Cashmere—size 3. 1/6 j size 4,"1/7|; size 5, 1/10; 'size 6, 1/11{. LADIES' FABRIC CLOVES. Suede-finished Cashmere Gloves, with strap and dome fastener, in Beavers only, 1/ per pair. Suede-finished Cashmere Gloves, with colored linings, two dome, in White, Assorted Beaver, and Black, 1/6 pel- pair. Charming "Winter Gloves, in Doefinish Cashmere, with Black and White check linings; colorsBlack, Beavers, etc., 1/9 per pair. Beautiful Soft-finish Heavy Suede Gloves, two dome, in various shades of Beaver, Brown, also in Chamois and Black, 1/11£ per pair. Reindeer-finish Gauntlet Wrist Gloves, two dome, and silk finish lining; these are very smart; assorted Brown shades only, 2/6 per pair. White Wool Gauntlet Gloves, verypopular, 1/H a«d 1/ 3 P pr P a i r - New Beaver Wool Gauntlet Gloves, 1/3 per pair. These are some of the new Winter Varieties, and in addition we have the ordinary Suede makes in lighter weights at prices ranging from 1/ to 1/11 per pair. SMART JERSEYS FOR LADIES. Ladies' Knitted Jerseys, shaped to waist and button on shoulder; colors—Navy, Green, Mareon, and Cream. Rare value at 3/6. Ladies' Knitted Norfolk Jerseys, very smart shape ; colors—Navy, Green, and Cream. 5/6 OSOh. We have a splendid assortment of Ladies' Golr Jerseys, in the lead- I ing fashionable coiors, ranging in ' price up to 13/6. Call and see them, please! The "Hub," South Dunedin Drapery Supply Assn.
Our Winter Stock of Dress Material, Blousings, Silks, Velveteens, and Triraminjis (ordered by Mr Stevens, our Dr«»s Buyer) are now on shew, and we strongly advise ladies to inspect and give us a trial. Tho right must win The following lines are correct fashion and unbeatable for prices:— George Street All makes of Navy Serges, including the fashionable Worsted Coating. 4-iin to 56in, 1/8, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6, 5/8, 6/8 per yard. Plain and Striped Imitation Harris Tweed, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11. Like the real thing, at half tho price. The Comfortable. Cosy, Colored Cheviots, in full and heavy makes, most beautiful range of colors, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 yard. 70 Robes of various materials, fashions, favorite novelties; no two alike; 21/, 24/0, 27/6, 30/, 32/6 the robe CO Robes. Plain Dress Fabrics, in Whipcord, Bcngahne, and Poplin ; rich and dressy shades; 30/ the robe. Very Special.—A large range of Fashionable Dressy Tweed, in all the new shades and mixtures, 2/8, 2/11, 3/6 per yard. All-wool Venetian Cloths, for Dresses, Costumes, Evening Coats, etc., specially selected colorings, 2/6, 2/11, 3/3 i 3/6 per yard Magnificent Stock of the Latest in Cream Materials for Evening or W'edding Dresses; rich, effective. Black materials, and guaranteed fast color—all prices from 1/11 \ to 0/6 per yard. Dreaver's for Evening Materials.— Special care has been exercised in obtaining our selection, all shades Colored Crystalline, 2/6 and 2/11 per yard IMPORTANT INTIMATION. We. have recognised that Dunedin required an expert in Dressmaking at reasonable charges. Dreaver's have faced the position. Mr Dreavor ciigajjod in London, from a first-class house, two capable dressmakers—one as head, tho other to superintend the work—and they will arrive in time to execute orders now booked for East«r. Ladies, be first and have the latest—Dreaver's guarantee for satisfaction. Finally—loo piee»s of various Warm Winter Tweeds, 1/, 1/8, 1/11 per yard. 87 pieces of Flannelette Blousings, 4fd and 6d per yard.