PUBLIC NOTICES. FILL YOtTK PlfE WITH " HAJtLEQTJIN TOBACCO. F soothes the nerves and makes lifebrighj Its wonderful flavor and plcasin fragranco delight the senses. It clears th brain, and aids the thinker. It calms an refreshes the jaded worker. k NEV/ AND PRETTY THINGS Silver and Enamel. '.'nother very pretty lot of these Goods is just to hand, containing many distinctly new patterns. Brooches, 4/ each. Bangles, 2/6, 5/, 9/, 10/6. Necklets, 5/6. Sleeve-links, 6/. LoW-Priced Bangles. A fresh lot of the popular Gold Bamboo Band and Buckle Bangles provides a good assortment at 20/, 21/, 24/, 25/6, 26/ upwards. New Electroplate. Special new shipments of ' Teapots, Butters, Sugars, etc., are just opened out, all very moderately priced. Field Glasses. We are making a Special Show of these just now, including a new lot of the Buseh Prismatic Binoculars, famous for clearness of definition aud large field of vision. Inspection Invited. J-i»e»»aßiigJg»CT}!BiWiS^ 88 Princes Street. WATCHES For Boys, Girls, Men, Women. WHY PAY FANCY PRICES? You can obtain a splendid Watch or Clock from Laidlaw and Crey, Ltd., at the keenest cut prices on record. Boys, Girls, Men, Women! Our trade in Watches and Clocks | has increased most satisfactonlyWHY?—THREE REASONS: Ist—Every movement is carefully examined by a practical man before we stock the line. ; 2nd—Our prices are cut down to the lowest. , 3rd—We see that every Watch and Clock is in good going order before it leaves our warehouse. BOYS' NICKEL WATCHES (keylep'O, strong and serviceable. Our prices, 6/6, 7/6, 9/ each. , Cents' Well - finished NICKEL WATCH (kevless), first-class lever I movement, 'our prices, 17/6 and i 20/ each. Cents' Nickel Open-face Keyless l LEVER WATCH, Brequetsprings, ! 7 jewels, guaranteed 2 years. Our price, 25/. Cents' Sterling Silver LEVER I OPEN-FACE WATCH, strong case, reliable jewelled movement, i splendid timekeeper, guaranteed 2 ! years. Our price, 40/. I Cents' Sterling Silver HUNTING LEVER V/ATCH, keyless, reliable jewelled movement, accurate timekeeper, guaranteed 2 years. Our price, 45/. Cents' ROLLED COLD and COLD WATCHES, 10 to 2.1 years' guar- : antee. Prices uii application. LADIES' WATCHES, open face, nickel or oxidised cases. 11/6 and 20/ each. LADIES' HANDY WRISTLET WATCHES, complete with strap. 11/6, 17/6, 25/, 30/ each. LADIES' STERLING SILVER WATCHES, open face or Hunter, well-finished and jewelled movements. 20/, 25/, 30/, 32/6, 37/6, 40/. LADIES' CILT, ROLLED COLD, and 9ct, I4ct, and 18ct COLD WATCHES at lowest possible I prices. i CLOCKS. 'NICKEL LEVER TIMEPIECES, will go in any position. 3/, 5/, 6/ NICKEL ALARMS, «/, 5/6, 6/6. SPECIAL NICKEL ALARMS, persistent in their action. You simply can't sleep in after they commence business. "Startler," 7/6; "Repeater," 8/6. MANTEL CLOCKS, 8-day, half-hour |\ strike, will go for 20 years, guaranteed excellent timekeepers. 15/, 16/6, 17/6, 18/6, 21/, 25/, 27/6 each. MARBELISED WOOD CLOCKS, beautiful designs. Our prices, 25/, 30/, 35/, 40/, 45/. ENAMELLED IRON CLOCKS, choice designs, gong, half-hour strike. 30/, 35/, 40/, 45/. CENUINE MARBLE CLOCKS, lowest quotations on request. Laidlaw & Gray, Ltd., The People's Ironmongers, RATTRAY SfREET, DUNEDIN.