" Now this," said the barber, holding up a pink bottle, "is a splendid thing for baldness." " Thank you,"' replied Ms victim coldly. " I have all the baldness I require.'' The New Minister: "What is your idea of the proper length of a sermon, Miss Peering ?" The Choir Singer: "Why,-I think it should be long enough io get people interested and short enough to keep them so." " I don't want my hair brushed over my forehead any longer," declared Harold. '" I want a crack in it, like father's."
PUBLIC NOTICES. A COOL, SOOTHING SMOKE. THAT'S what you get if you smoke "Harlequiu" Tobacco. But you get more. You get a delightful fragrance and the clean, sweet taste of the genuine Virginian ieaf. No better dark tobacco than " Harlequin" is Imported from Virginia. Get a plug and try it. DEPARTMENT. FOR EVERY £IOO collected In premiums the Department has returned to its Policyholders (or their representatives), or holds in trust for them, £ll9. During the thirty-nine years of the Department's existence premiums have been received for upward 3 of seven millions and a-half, over five millions have been returned to policyholders or their representatives, and the existing funds held by the Department in trust for policyholders amount to over four million pounds sterling. GLASS SHADES! GLASS SHADES! SLASS SHADES! PLATE GLASS AND SHEET GLASS. SMITH & SMITH. IMPORTERS & MANUFACTURERS
*^#attaqswWtt&H^ " The more you save, the ■& more you have to spend I " -A Housewives can savo money $ by visiting just now tf HOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS AT SALE PRICES. A Sample cf the Bargains Offered: Boot Brushes, Bd. Clothes Brushes, 6d. Nail Brushes, 2d. Reflector Candlesticks, ]/. Plain White Enamel do., 6d. Enamel Stew Pans, large sizes, 1/6, 2/, 2/6, 3/. Blue Enamel Teapots from 1/6. Bedroom Sets, 8/0. Kitchen Lamps, 2/3 and 3/. Floral Decorated Jugs, 3 pint, 1/6. Glass Butter Dishes, with cover, Bd. Large f>ize Jelly Dishes, 6d. Jugs, Gd. Japanese Cream Jugs, 5d and 7£d. Bread Boards, 1/. Chamois Skins, 1/. Cheese Dishes, with cover, 1/6. Tumblers. 1/ per half-dozen. Knives, slightly soiled—Dinner, sd; Dessert, 41d. Forks, 4d. Dinner Sets from 15/0. Tea Sots, new pattern, from 8/9. Fenders—Brass Rail, 5/6, 7/6, 10/6; Steel Bail, 6/ up; Bedroom, 4/, 4/6, etc. CTEORCE STREET (near M Octagon and Moray Place). ||
!WS m Si!&. m m m m Wi &m Fngagement Rings \ AT ' X : Stewart Dawson's. I We are now showing i the finest and most attractive \ stock of Engagement Rings; to be / » m found in the Dominion. It hj %&, you want t0 Eee a w ' dC -^ *\ varied selection and the /- % advantage in price we [• offer, just come in and £ i )>. spend a few minutes, t /:, <jh and you won't feet Uf 'fe hat your time ■>;/ ,\k has been sty \. JVk wasted. 0 \ w.4 18-ct. Gold. £1 9 fine Diamonds K and 2 Rubies or £3 Sapphires-£io/io/- *&**! &* mmOur '"X, Ring Catalocue shows al! theNcwest Styles in Encagement Pvings. Ask for Free Copy.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 8
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