Ten. Archdeacon Williams died March 14, 1907. In 1908 England sent France over ten million tons of coal. At six months a baby walrus will cat 50lb of cod fish a day. In twenty-five years the population of Berlin has tripled itself. An average of over 500 London policemen we o nsick le.ave every day. Great Britain owns more than ono-half of the world’s ocean shipping. Last year 732,300,000 post cards were delivered in England and Wales. The United Kingdom’s total output of coal last year was 261,528,795 tons. In the streets of London last year 16,674 persons wore injured and 326 killed. The value of postage stamps affixed to postal orders is about £250,000 a year. German drill has superseded British methods of training in the Afghan Army. Subalterns entering the British Army receive, with allowances, about £145 a year. Nearly 12,000,0001b_ of rubber are produced within the British Empire annually. Naval guns are fitted with small electric glow-lamps, so that they can be utilised at night. A fine or imprisonment is the punishment in Prussia for keeping children away from school. Juries may now be sworn with hand uplifted—Scottish fashion —instead of by kissing the Testament. The Chinese Government have decided to make the metric system compulsory throughout the empire. King Edward has instituted a new medal for policemen and firemen. Only 120 awards can be made in one year. Dunedin Hospital returns for last week were Admitted, 39; discharged, 32; deaths, 6; remaining in the institution, 149. In. order that the employees of Messrs Kilroy and Sutherland may have the benefit of the Easter holidays, that firm have decided to close their business premises from Thursday night (the 24th) till Easter Tuesday (29th inst.).
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 8
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