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RAILWAY RETURNS. The railway revenue for tho period ended February/’?) joll days) _was £275,909, as compared with £241,343 for the corresponding period (305 davs) of last year. The total revenue to that elate since April 1 is £2,682,861. The expenditure for the period was £171,523, as compared with £159,626, and tho total expenditure to date is £1,844,527, compared with £1,747,254. THE COPPER SUPPLY. Tress Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, Alarch 13. (Received March 14, at 8.30 a.m.) The immense production of copper in America is affecting prices, though the consumption is excellent. THE MARKETS. Tress Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON. Alarch 13. (Received Alarch 14, at 8.50 a.m.) Frozen Aleal: Sheep North Island s£d, best 4d; lamb, unchanged ; beef—fores 3 3-16 d, hinds 3|d. Australian sheep —heavy 3 7-16 d, light 3jd ; lambs —best brands' 4|d, fair quality 4)<l, inferior quality 4j)d; beef—fores binds 3jd. Plato sheep—heavy 3|d, light 3 11-16 d; beef —fores hinds 3 9-16 d ; lambs, 4jd. Rabbits : Vcry flat. .Sydneys, ox store, 15s to 15s 6d. ' Plenty offering at 12s 6d to 13s for delivery early in April. THE AVOOL SALES. Tress Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON. Alarch 13. (Received Alarch 14, at 8.50 a.m.) At the wool auctions there was a good sale, and a better selection o{ cross-breds suitable for America, which realised high prices. Mcrinoes were very firm. The number catalogued to date is 49,987 bales, and sold 46,387. A STOCK EXCHANGE; RECORD. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON, Alarch 13. (Received Alarch 14, at 8.30 a.m.) Tho ‘Economist' states that the rnidAlarch settlement on the Stock Exchange wa* the largest on recoul. One firm in Rhodesia made £1,600 in bargains in one day. GRAIN AND PRODUCE REPORTS. Donald Reid and Co. report:—We held our weekly auction sale of grain and produce at our stores to-day, when we submitted a moderate catalogue to a good attendance of buyers. .Bidding for most of the lots on offer was brisk, and we cleared our catalogue at satisfactory prices. Values ruled as under : Oats.—Consignments from tho country have been heavier during tho past week. In tho majority of cases, however, owners are not prepared to accept shippers’ ideas of values, thus little business is passing. The local market is extremely bare for this time of the year, and any lots offering are readily taken for local consumption. Wo quote ;—Prime milling, Is 9/, d to Is lOd ; good to best- feed, Is 9d to Is 9jd; medium and discolored, Is 6J,d to Is 7d per bushel (sacks extra). AVheat.—Owing to the fall in the price of flour, and most millers having fair stocks on hand, little business is passing, the market showing a slightly easier tone than that of a week ago. Prime velvet is in most demand, and is saleable at late rates. Fowl wheat is plentiful, while smutty and inferior lots are in over-supply and difficult to quit at quotations. AVe quote :—Prime milling, 5s 9d to 3s lOd ; choice velvet, to 3s lid; best fowl wheat, 3s 7d to 3s 8d ; broken and damaged, 2s fid to 3s 3d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes. —Heavier supplies have como forward during the week, and in the absence of shipping orders prices show a further decline. A large proportion of consignments show a trace of blight, and these are extremely difficult to dispose of. AVe quote : —Best freshly-picked Up-to-Dalcs, £3 10s to £3 15s; medium to good ditto and other sorts, £3 to £3 7s fed; inferior and small, £2 to £2 10s per ton (bags included). Chaff.—Consignments during tho latter part of the week have berm light, and tho market is firm at late values. Prime old chaff still meets with meet favor at up to £3 10s per ton. Alcdium quality and usw season's chaff has not the same inquiry, and is worth £3 to £3 ss; medium and discolored, £2 10s to £2 15« per ton (bags extra). Straw.—AVe quote : —Oaten and wboaton, 27s 6d to 30s per ton (pressed). Alessrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report a.- follows : We held our weekly auction sale of grain and produce at our timer to-day, when we offered a large catalogue to a good attendance of buyers. In view of a slackening market, prices for most linos suffered a decline. AVe cleared our catalogue at auction and privately as under : Oats. —Oats are offering more freely now and the urgent local demand is filled Prices are inclined to ease on this account hack to shippers’ limits. Quotations : Prime milling, Is 9/, d to Is lOd; good to best feed, is 9d to Is 9i,d ; inferior to medium, Is bJ/d'to Is 7jd. i Wheat.—This market is decidedly easier, and prices show a decline. Alillers having bought considerably are content to await developments before operating further to any extent. Fowl wheat is now plentiful, and prices are easier. Quotations : Prime milling, 3s 9d to 3s ICd; extra choice velvet, to 5s lid; best whole fowl wheat, 3s 7d to 3s 8d; broken and damaged, 2s 6d to 3s 3d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes.—Consignments are coining forward more plentifully, and prices show a decline of 5s per ton. Shippers are now inclined to enter for any lots thoroughly sound and clear. Medium and inferior are very hard to quit even at reduced prices. Prime Up-to-Dates, £3 10s to £3 15s; medium to good, £3 to £3 ss; inferior, £2 to £2 ss.* Chaff.—Consignments towards the end of last week were light, and tho market is bare of prime heavy old, which is bringing rather more than last quotations. Alcdium and inferior is not in groat demand. Prime oaten sheaf , £3 to £3 ss; extra prime old, to £3 10s; medium to good, £2 15s to £2 17s sd; inferior, £1 15s to £2 per ton (bags extra). Straw.—Oaten, 30s; wheaten, 27s 6d Viossed, ex trucks).
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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971COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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COMMERCIAL. Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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