The height of the Alolyneux River this morning was 15ft lOin. Weather dull. The return from the Central Charlton of 18oz Idwt was for 150 hours) dredging on section 2 and part of section 1. The bottom on this cut jumps about considerably, varying from 7ft in the shallowest to 14ft‘ in the deepest part. In the deep places the wash is fair, but there is very little on tho shallow ground. The bottom sticking to the buckets gives a great deal of trouble', and with this exception everything is running well. It will bo interesting to note the success or otherwise of tho Electric No. 2 in floating down to tho New Alpine claim. Ihe river is now 15ft Klin, but this should not affect progress, and if tho master has any luck he should make tho junction with the Alolyneux in a day or two, when there will bo ijo difficulty in making tho rest of the distance. The high river has enabled the Alolyneux hydraulic dredge to recommence operations alter a spell since tho end of November. Many people will be astonished to learn that the introduction of competition in connection with the sale of explosives in The Australian market has resulted in a saving of no less than £125,000 per annum to the mining companies of tho Commonwealth. Air J. AA T . S. Langerman, ALL.A., speaking at a meeting of the Chamber of Mines of Johannesburg, said that of the gold output of the world, amounting to £91,000,000 in 1909, the Transvaal 'contributed £30.925.788. Referring to the continuous fall in tho output of Australia, Air Langerman said that it appeared probable that at no distant date the world would look to Africa for the-largest production of its gold supply. Air Langerman added thatthe white labor on the Witwatererand increased last year 18 per cent, compared with 1908. THE SHARE MARKET. —Dunedin Exchange.— .There were no sales this morning. Stocks throughout are much about the same, except Old jlaurakis. which have eased a little being quoted at 3s lOd buy and 4s so! at noon. Forward-delivery quotations: Junctions. buy 355. set 35s*9d ; Talismans, 54s 6d sel; and Consolidated Goldfields, buy 22s 6d, sel 23s 6d. Dredging. Alexandra Eureka—Sel 2/. Blackwater (contrib.)—Buy 3/6, sol 5/. Electric—Sel 4/. Golden Bed —Sel 22/6. i Alanuherikia—Sel 10/. A ivstery I fat —Sel 21/. Nelson Creek —Sel 16/6. Otago—Buy 15/, sel 19/. Stanley Paracale —Sel 18,'. . ' Sluicing. Ross Goldfields—Buy B,'. Aluddy Terrace—Buy 24/.; Quartz. Barewood—Sol 16/6. Consolidated Goldfields—Buv 22 3, sol 23/5. Kuranni Caledonian—Buy 1/5, sel 1/71 Alay Queen —Buy 4/. sel 4/5. N.Z. Crown Alines—Buy 5/1. sel 5/7. (fid Hauraki—Buy 5/10, sel 4/. Talisman Consolidated —Buv 52,3, sol 52/9. AVaihi —Huy 194'. AValhi Extended—Buy 3/2, sel 5/6. AVaibi Grand Junction—Buy 34/, sel 34/9. Investments. National Bank of New Zealand—Buy 125/, sel 126/.» National Insurance Co.—Buv 28/3. sol 29/. Westport Coal Co. —Buy 121/9. Westport Stockton—Sel 7/6. N.Z. Portland Cement—Buv 39/6, sel 41/. Ward and Co.—Buy 97/. Empire Buildings—Buy 25'. RETURNS. Golden Bed: 51oz, 130 hours. Central Chariton: 18oz Idwt, 135,houre. Golden Treasure : 230z, week. Otago No. 1: 15oz. 99 hours. Otago No, 2: 18oz, week. New Trafalgar; l6oz Bdwt. WAIT lIS AND .JUNCTIONS, Press Association—By Telegraph— Copyright. LONDON, Alarch 13. (Received Alarch 14, at 8.30 a.m.) Waibi—Buyers £9 15s, sellers £9 17s 6d. Junction —Buyers 33s 9d, sellers 355.
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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