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HIGH WATER-. TO-MOREOW. Taiaroa Head: 5.40 a.m., 6.6 p.m. Port CLalmcis: 6.20 a.m., 6.46 p.m. Dunedin,: 6.50 a.m., 7.16 p.m. THE SUNL Rise to-morrow, 6.8 a,m. ; set, 6.27 p.m. THE MOON. Rise to-morrow, 10.23 a.m. ; set, 8,35 p.m. —Phases During March.— March 18 First quarter 3.7 p.m. March 26 Full moon . 7.51 a.m. ARRIVED.—March 15. Wimmera, s.s., 3,022 tons, Waller, from Sydney via East Coast ports. Passengers : Misses Johnston (2), Greer, _ Sullivan, Nugent. Ecadnall, Lewis, Harwich, Kingaiioit, Cockley. Sutherland, Woollen, Heath, Booker, Myhill. Mesdames Aspinall, Whitehead, Paul and child, Sullivan, Messrs 1,. C. Robinson, Taylor. A. M'Glashan, J. A. Webster, Mathieson, H. Murray, S. 0. Jeukinson, Godfrey, Scott, A. 11. Allies, L. Gribble. G. Lewis. F. Willy. Ashford, Greaves. Higgins, Forster, Horton, Semin ens, E. Thompson ; seventeen steerage. Star of Australia, s.s., 6,825 tons. Kearney, from New York via Alelbounre, Sydney, Auckland, AVeilington, and Lyttelton. March, 14. Invercargill, s.s., 224 tons. Gillies, from Invercargill and Waikawa. SAILED.—March 12. Kotare, s.s., 141 tons, Trenrn, for Invercarp,lll and Waikawa. March 13. Ulimnroa. s.s., 5.777 tors, AVyllie, for Melbourne via the. Bluff and Hobart. Comma, s.s., 1,271 tons, Cameron, for fhiehunga via Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Nelson. Mokbia, s.e„ 3,502 tons, Alanning, for Wellington direct. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. —Coastal.— Tarawera, from Auckland, March 17. —lntercolonial. Warrimoo, from Melbourne, March 15. Aloeraki, from Sydney via Cook Strait, March 19. Afdnowai, from Auckland, Alarch 20 (brings Sydney passengers transhipped from Maheno). —Oversea, Sail.— Alarjory Glen, barque, from Liverpool; sailed December 15. Marie, French barque, left New York January 8 via Lyttelton. —Oversea, Steam.— Otaki, left London February 9 for Dunedin direct; passed tho Capo Alarch 2; due Dunedin about March 26. Cornwall, loft Liverpool January 7 via Sydney and Northern ports; at Durban February 10, Sydney March 7 ; due Dunedin and of March. Spithead, left New York January 7 via Melbourne, Sydney, and Northern ports; due Dunedin about March 28. Georgia, left New York January 8 via Northern ports; at Fremantle Alarch 9; due Dunedin about middle of April. Aberlour, left New York January 27 via Melbourne, Sydney, and Northern ports; due Dunedin about April 25. Rangatira,—left Liverpool February 19 via Adelaide and Northern ports; duo Dunedin end of April. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Wimmera, for Sydney via Auckland, March 15. Warrimoo, for Sydney via Cook Strait, March 15Tarawera. for Auckland, March 1.8. Mceraki, for Alelbounie, Alarch 20. In port’at noon to-day:—At Dunedin: Star of Australia, AVimmera. Invercargill, Itakinrn. Dorset (steam). At Port Chalmers: Taviuni and Aloura (steam). Bad weather is holding up shipping on tho West Coast. Another fresh was expected at "Westport to-night, and the prospects for working were poor. At Greyinouth there was a heavy northerly gale to-day and rain, and work had to be suspended. The Petone was outside the bar,' on which there was a considerable sea. Heavy rain was also reported from Lyttelton and Timaru this morning, and steamers were.unable to work. Tho Rakanoa and the Wairuna were idle at Lyttelton. Warrimoo, s.s., arrived off the Bluff this morning from Alelbourne, and availed outside to go in with the tide about 10 o'clock. It was thought probable that she would not leave for Dunenin till ten o'clock to-night, in which case it is doubtful if she will catch the morning tide to town. Ennerdalc. s.s., is to bring 150,000 ft of timber and 7,000 sleepers from Greymouth for Dunedin and 50,000 ft of timber for Oamaru, and from Westport 5,000 sleepers for Dunedin. According to time-tubjc she was to leave Greymouth on-Saturday for AVestport, whence she is due to sail tomorrow for Dunedin direct. If bad weather does not prevent her from keeping to these airangements. she should arrive here on Friday morning and leave the following Tuesday for Oamaru. She will then load at Oamaru and Timaru for Auckland. Wanaka, s.s.. from Auckland via Limestone Island, Wellington, and Picton, is expected at Dunedin about the 23rd, en route to the Bluff. Kotare, s.s., was to leave Invercargill to-day for AVaikawa and Dunedin. She is due at Dunedin on Thursday morning. AA'imracra, s.s., arrived at 2.30 yesterday afternoon from Sydney via East Coast ports. She sails at 4 p.m. to-morrow from Dunedin on tho return trip to Sydney ly the same route. Star of Australia, s.s.. from New York via ports, arrived at 3.50 p.m. yesterday to complete discharge, after which she sails for northern ports to load for London. Captain Shilling, of the Wellington Harbor Board pilot staff, was a passenger by the Ulimaroa yesterday for Melbourne. Captain Attwoo'd, of the AVcstpoit Coal Company’s staff, was a passenger by the same steamer. Encouraged by the patronage accorded to the AVaikana this summer tho directors of the Peninsula Ferry Company have decided to place another steamer in the harbor trade. They have accordingly Instructed Mr Al’Eao to design another vessel, which will be built on similar lines to the- Waikana. bub will not, have eo much top hamper, as she is intended largely for winter traffic. Air AlTlae will have- the plans ready as soon as he has furnished the designs for the steamer the Government intend to place on Lake Wakatipu next summer. Seafarers arc not generally so superstitious as they were prone to be in the good old days. Several of the vessels berthed at Pat*ea the other night were the subject af a strange visitation. The captain of a IVellington steamer was awakened by Ins ultra-respectable engineer ordering a womanout of his cabin. The skipper thought his friend was talking in his sleep, hut when he looked out of his cabin he saw a female figure, clad in white, moving noiselessly about. This was too much for his nerves, eo bo scuttled back to his bunk. Later lie heard a crash outside. The master, mate, and engineer made a prolonged v;:r:;r, but could see nothing unusual. Eventually they found a woman on the boor of the forecastle, where she had fallen, and had lain for somo time. She was clad only in her nightgown, and had a shawl over her head. The men fn the forecastle did no: like to get but of their bunks to examine the "ghost,” who turned out to be a lady ivith an abnormal thirst in quest of a drink. She was sent ashore, and rater scared the wits out of the captain of another vessel by grabbing him through the port-hole. The AVestport Coal Company have been requested to supply bunker coal to the visiting warships at AA’ellington td-morrow as follows:—Powerful, 1.600 tons; Challenger, 300 tons ; and Pegasus, 200 tons.
THE DUCO CASES. In the Supremo Court at Wellington on Saturday,'in Chambers, tho pending;.claims against the Wellington Harbor berries, limited, for compensation arising out of tho loss of tho Duco were mentioned. Xho company applied, under the Shipping and Seamen Act, to limit their liability to £ls per ton, and to stay oU Supreme Court proceedings until tho Admiralty Court mid decided whether or not ,tho Duco was lost through tho owners’ actual fault or privity. Mr Skerrett, for tho company. «ud certain liability would bo admitted (the defendants to* the motion having contended that the company must admit liability up to £ls per ton before, going into the Admiralty Court), but not at the present stugc. It iicsd not be Admitted before a decree nisi was made. Tho Chief Justice granted leave for a petition to be delivered to the various defendants to the motion, and the matter will come up for further argument next week. THE HAZEL CRAIG. Press Association —By Telegraph—Copyright. .SYDNEY. Alarch 12. The'barque Hazel Craig, which left Newcastle on Wednesday for Wellington, put into Sydney in a leaking condition. She run into hfl&vv weather 200 miles on tho const. The straining started a leak, and it was decided to make for Sydney. OVERSEA STEAMERS. WELLINGTON. March 13.—5.20 a.m., Wakanui. for London. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. March 13.—Wanaka. from the South— o.3o p.m., Malieno. from Sydney.— .Tuques. barque, from New York. LYTTELTON. March 15.—11-50 a.m., Afararoa, from At ellington,—Rakanoa, from Westport.— Pukaki. from .Timaru.— Clan Rcss. for Timaru. BLUFF,. March 13.—4 p.m.. Buteshire, from Port* Chalmers. —T.oO a.m.. Storm, from Port Chalmers. . , lr , SYDNEY, March 12.—Mceraki, for A\cllinrton. —Alongolia, igr Auckland. MELBOURNE, March 12. Alanuka, from Hobart and the Bluff. INVERCARGILL. March 13—5 p.m., Kotare. from Dunedin. OAMARU. March 15.-11.30 p.rn.. Corinnu. from Dunedin.
(For continuation see Lato Shipping-)
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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1,391SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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