MZ. CAMERA COMPANY, * OCTAGON, DUNEDIN. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR KODAKS, SPOOLS. AND PREMO CAMERAS. Developing, Printing, Retouching. AMATEUR REQUISITES. THE “HO PKINSON.”—There is probably no Piano that meets with such universal favor as this High-ciass English Make. The “ BEALE ” Australian Piano is making good headway in the Dominion. Prices from 65gs. Ordinary Iron-frame Pianos from £3B. Market value allowed on old pianos by exchange. Easy terms arranged. Dominion Canadian Organs from £lB 10s. F. HOWELL AND CO, U OCTAGON, HAS REMOVED to Rooms in BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, Corner Bond and Rattray streets (Next Telegraph Office). Dunedin. REMOVAL NOTICE. E. J. BLAKELEY, DENTIST,
FUNERAL NOTICE. THE Friends of Mr William King (and family) are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late Wife, which will leave the Primitive Methodist Church, Dundas street, TO-MORROW (Tuesday), March IS, at 3.15 p.m., for the Northern Cemetery. COLE AND SPRINGER, Undertakers, 152 George street. M.U.1.0.0.P. LOYAL DUNEDIN LODGE, No. 5,071. MEMBERS of the above and sister Lodges are respectfully requested to attend the Funeral of the late Bro. Thos. Johnston, P.G., which will leave his late residence, 312 King street, on TUESDAY, 15th March, at 2.30 p.m., for Northern Cemetery. W. TREWERN, N.G. FUNERAL NOTICE. mHE Friends of Mr Andrew Harper (and A family) are respectfully invited to attend tho Funeral of his late son _ John Andrew James, which will leave his residence, Wain street, Opoho, for the Northern Cemetery, TO-MORROW (Tuesday), the 15th inst., at 2 o’clock. A. J. WYNN AND HOPE, Undertakers, 36 St. Andrew street. FUNERAL NOTICE. mHE Funeral of tho late Mr Thomas JohnJL ston will take place TO-MORROW (Tuesday),"the 15th inst.; at 2.30 o’clock p.m., leaving his late residence, No. 312 Great King street, for the Northern Cemetery. Friends will kindly accept this intimation. JOHN GILLIES, Undertaker, 18 Georgia street and 11 Great King street
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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