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D.I.C. THE LATEST BIOUSINGS FOR PRESENT WEAR INCLUDE MANY NEW WEAVES OF EXCEPTIONAL INTEREST. t ”“" The Colorings and Designs are Smart, Up to Date, and of the usual ■ D.1.0. Standard of Excellence. STRIPE WINCEY BLOUSINGS, in all the latest effects, 27in wide. . .Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d yard. PRINTED ALL-WOOL GHALYS, intho daintiest colorings and designs, * 30in wide ... \ Is lid, 2s 3d yard. The New “WOOL-ALONE” BLOUSING,- in White, Cream, Navy, Black, and a wide range of Light and Dark Stripes, guaranteed well shrunk and fast colors; 29in wido 2s 3d yard. “VIYELLA” SHIRTINGS and BLOUSINGS, in new and effective stripes and colors, 32in wide,,, 2s 6d yard. . -yr'' -y THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PRICES HOLD GOOD UP TO AND INCLUDING SATURDAY, MARCH 12, AT ' PENROSE’S POPULAR "STORES. KID GLOVES. Very Special Sale Values. SUEDE KID GLOVES.—The “ Flora,” 2-dome and 3-cord point, in White with self points and White with black points; also in the following colors:—Tans, Beavers, and Pastel shades; sizes, 6to 7± inclusive. Usual price, 4s lid. Special price, 2s 6d. WHITE DRESS KID GLOVES.—TIio Verona, 3 domes, 3-cord black points; sizes, SJ, 6, 6i, 6*, 6}, 7. Usual price, 3s 6d. Sale price, 2s 6d. COLORED DRESS KID GLOVES—The “Jewel,”, made expressly for Penrose’s; shades, Beavers and Assorted Browns; in all sizes, 2-dome, 1-cord point. Special price, 2s 6d. LADIES’ BELTS. 2in. PATENT LEATHER BELTS, with square steel buckles, in White, Black, Moss, Navy, Brown. Special price, 4|d each. WHITE GROUND WASHING BELTS, with colored floral sprays worked on, in Helio, Sky, Apricot. Special Sale price, 10|d. 1,000 STRAIGHT AND SPOON STEEL BUSKS, all sizes. Usual price, 4|d. Sale price, Id pair. , VEILINGS. VEILINGS. oc riifforent designs in New Season’s VEILINGS, to be sold at 3d yard, usual prices of which are from Is to Is lid yard. These Veilings can be supplied m Plain and Chenillo Spots, in colors, such as Browns, Greens, Black, Tur- • quoiae, Trundle, Saxe, Cinnamon, Navy, Palo Pink, Vieuxßoso, Wine. Note the price, 3d yard. SILK RIBBONS. mmrABLE OFFER IN ALL SILK RIBBONS, such as Silk Taffeta' Ribbons, IiLA Silk Mousseiiue Ribbon, Sin and 6in wide. To bo cleared at Sid yard. These Sg“ tom !• Mloj. 9a ™). b,,i .in ho s; ~i in ton™, in"- colors at 6id yard:— Cream, Rose, Saxe, Cerise, Grey, Blue, Electric Blue, Peacock Blue Navy, Cinnamon, Shell Pink, Scarlet, Maroon, Grey, Greens. Socially Reduced Prices for EMBROIDERIES. LACES, INSERTIONS until e ' SATURDAY, MARCH 12th. PENROSE’S POPULAR DRAPERY STORES,
EASTER. MANY ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES AND t USEFUL AND CHARMING GARMENTS j May be seen at I BROWN-EWING’S \ THIS WEEK. . j You may not yet have had time to seo tur NEW GOODS. Few Houses can make inch a Varied and Choice Display, men you have a spare hour, spend it HERB. j CHILDREN’S PARTY FROCKS, in Muslin, trimmed Embroidery and Insertion; sizes 24in to 36in. Prices, 17s 6d to 255. LADIES’ DIRECTOIRE UNDERSKIRTS, i in Silk Moiretle, in Stripes, Saxo and Nary Blue, Emerald and Navy, Brown and Prunelle, Black and "White, Green and Violet, Molo and Electric. Price, 29s 6d. LADIES’ MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRTS/ in Stripes, Browns, Prunelles, Black and White, Navy and Electric, Mole and Violet. Price, 14s 6d. LADIES’ SILK MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRTS, in Stripes, Browns, Prunelles, Black and White, Navy and Electric, Mole and Violet. Price, 25s 6d, 29s 6d. MUSLIN APRONS. Price, 6s lid. LADIES’ NAINSOOK CAMISOLES, , trimmed Val. Lace and Insertion, Ribbon Shoulders, threaded Wide Ribbon. Price, 8s 6d. LADIES’ NAINSOOK CHEMISE, trimmed Val. Lace and Insertion, threaded Ribbons, 6s lid. lANCHESTER. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS stocked in all tho popular patterns. 2 yards Ion", 7s 6d to 17s 6d; 21 yards long, 8s Cd to 20s; 3 yards long, 8s 6d to 29s 6d. Larger sizes in proportion. HUCKABACK and DAMASK TOWELS, 10U1, Is, Is 3d, Is 9d, to 3s each. LACE-EDGE TRAY CLOTHS. Price from 3s 6d to 10s 6d. DOWN QUILTS. Single-bed size, 6x4— Piped edge, 25s 6d to 40s; Frilled, 29s 6d to 50s. Double-bed size, 6 x 5 Piped, 32s 6d to 60s; Frilled, 37s 6d to 140s. TEA CLOTHS, square and circular shapes. Prices range from 8s 9d to 21s each. WHITE BED SPREADS, very effective j designs. Single-bed size from 15s 6d, 17s fcd, 21s 6d, 25s 6d, to 455; Double 1 bed size from 17s 6d, 18s 9d, 21s 6d, 27s 6d, 32s 6d, 37s 6d, 42s 6d, 47s 6d, to 70s. MANTLES DEPARTMENT. EVENING WRAPS, Silk or Cloth, shader Cream, Blue, Geranium, Prunelle, Braided or trimmed Fur, 42s 6cl to 6 guineas. EVENING ROBES, in Messaline Silk, in Green, Pink, Blue, Black, and Cream. 75s 6d, 89s 6d, to 6 guineas. BEAUTIFUL ROSE-PINK EVENING ROBE, 655. HELIO SATIN ROBE, Silver Embroidery, 75s 6d. POINTED FOX SETS from 10$ guineas to 20 guineas. SHOWER-PROOF WALKING COATS, in Newest Designs and Shades, 49s 6d, 595, 69s 6d, 79s 6d, to £6 10s. COSTUMES, Newest Styles, Grey, Green, Browns, Navy, 57s 6d, 655, to £5 12s 6d and £5 15s 6d. BROWN, EWING, & CO., LTD. ANOTHER GOLD MEDiL For - THOMSON AND CO. CABLE advice has been received from the ■ High,. Commissioner in London to tho effect that Thomson and Co., of Dunedin, have been awarded a Gold Medal for Carbonated Waters and Cordials at the Imperial International Exhibition, London. As Thomson and Co.’s exhibit left Dunedin early in 1907, it not only speaks well for the purity and keeping qualities of the goods, but it goes to show their all-round superiority -in successfully competing against goods which are freshly manufactured and bottled on the ■pot. Thomson’s List of Honors is now 20 Gold Medals and 32 First Class Certificates—a record unapproachable in Australasia. If jou wish to avoid polluting your stomach with* cheap, chemically-prepared decoctions, insist evea? time on being served with .j* T H O I S O N’ S, X ’The Best in the
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
Word Count
976Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.