COMPENSATION CASES. WELLINGTON, March 14. In the Arbitration Court to-day several cases arising out of the loss of the Penguin and the Duco were dealt with. In each instance liability was admitted by tho shipowners. Mrs Abram, whose husband was master of the Duco, was awarded £SOO against the Wellington Harbor Ferries Company. In casc.'f against the Union Company with respect to tho wreck of tho Penguin'’, orders were made as follow: Mary Hayes, awarded £405; Mrs LoosenKiie. £IOO. the Public Trustee to administer the residue of estate for the benefit of her posthumous child. Mrs F. Driscoll was awarded £207 on account of the deatli of her son. one of the officers.. In the case of W. H. Rcntoul, engineer, the Court ordered the payment of £135, to be administered by the Public Trustee for the benefit of his relatives.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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