The Central Boy Scouts, unde: Chief Scoutmaster Fergusson and Scoutmaster MacPherson, spent the other evening at physical drill, signalling, and general scout craft. On Saturday last the scouts to the number of thirty, under Scoutmaster MacPherson, met at the Post Office and made for Pino Hill, where a pleasant afternoon’s work was got in. The Anderson Bay troop, under Chief Scoutmaster Grainger, meet every Tuesday evening in the Anderson Bay School Gymnasium, where the boys arc pub through their work. The signalling squad are getting on excellently, while the first aid class are doing well also. The north end troops, under Chief Scoutmaster Carr and Scoutmasters Rushbrkigo and Carr, met hi the Albany Street Hall on Friday lasl. The object of bringing the two troops together was tire presentation of a scoutmaster’s certificate to Mr E. Carr, tho first officer who has really worked himself up from the ranks. The presentation was mado by the D.C., who congratulated (he recipient on his success. The total on parade was sixty-three scouts and lhxe<j officers, besides a number of visitors and other officers. Tho scouts, after the presentation, were divided up into squads, under junior officers, and were pul through ambulance work, stretcher drill, knotting, signalling, physical drill, and other work. These troops arc making rapid progress, and the officers in charge arc to bo congratulated on their success. Tiio Port Chalmers troop met on Friday evening at Port Chalmers, and marched through to Sawyers Bay, where a meeting was held, at which several new scouts were sworn in. Tho £sl. Leonards troop, under Mr Porter, are going to go ahead, several new boys having joined the ranks. The boys are to be instructed in scout work by the Ravensbounie troops. It is the intention of the district commander to form an expert patrol of boy scouis, special boys being sent from each troop to a meeting which will be held monthly, where conferences will be held regarding the work, and where the scouis will have an opportunity of bringing under notice any mailer relative to the movement. It is hoped by this means to secure the co-opera-tion of all the troops. The Valley troops, under Chief Scoutmaster Arthur, met at the junction of the Pino Hill road on Saturday, en route to Pino Hill. During the afternoon the scouts were instructed in several matters which every scout ought to know. Scout Ktedman is rapidly improving, and hopes to be out of the hospital shortly. Scouts and others are requested to keep the 23rd (Anniversary Day) clear, as it is intended to Hold a combined field day. GREEN ISLAND BOY SCOUTS. The above troop met in (he Volunteer Hall on Friday evening, when they were instructed in knot-tying, secret signs, signalling, and other work. On Saturday the troop marched to tho fot of Saddle Hill to do some scouting practice. The Fairfield patrol had been told oF earlier in the day to take up a position and conceal themselves. The rest of the troop then started out in search of the hidden patrol, and succeeded in finding every one but Scout M'Clauchlan, who had evidently taken up a good position. However, ho came out of bis hiding-place later on, and now lie holds the record for the day. The troop have some real good scouting country, and will use it with good results. Chief Scout-master Newton and Scout-mas! ers Taylor and Thompson accompanied the troop, and are pleased to report that the boys are showing out very well. A good number will receive their uniforms on Friday night. They are looking forward to going under canvas at Easier, when they will do some good work
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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