By defeating Tinakori by 8 rubbers to nil this week, the Wimbledon I team assured itself of the Wellington Badminton Association's A grade interclub championship for the season. The team has yet to be defeated, and it has shown consistency in all its matches. The club is the holder of the title.
Titles in all the other grades are still in doubt, and some of the competitions are in a most interesting stage. St. Thomas's and Wimbledon are undefeated in the B grade, and they have yet to meet. A. N. Blake. No. 1 for St. Thomas's, has been playing consistently well during the season, and has yet to suffer defeat. By defeating Winter Show during the week, Kelburn advanced to the top of the C grade competition. The club has only one more match and appears to have fine prospects. The Winter Show ladies, incidentally, have put up a remarkably good show, having lost only two of their 24 singles and doubles matches during the season.
Harbour Board and Waiwhetu, the undefeated teams of the D grade, have yet to meet. Technical and Waterloo are the finalists of the E grade. Each is undefeated and each has i-evealed good standards of badminton. The F grade is in an interesting position, with St. John's undefeated and E.S.U. a point behind. Winter Show and Terrace are undefeated in the G grade.
The Wellington and North Island championship and handicap tournament will be held at the Winter Show from August 28 to September 2. Considering the interest that has been shown in the inter-club competitions, a. record number of entries is likely. Two more defaults marred the matches of the week, Wellington II failing to turn up in the A grade \ match scheduled with Winter Show, and Tinakori defaulting in the F grade. Results of the week are:— A Grade. —Wimbledon I beat Tinakori, 8-0, Wimbledon players mentioned first: E. Ridyard beat G. Organ, 15-3, 15-5; W. Jupp beat S. Marris, 15-1, 15-6; Ridyard and Jupp beat Marris and Organ, 15-10, 15-4; Miss F. Fernie beat Miss G. Usher, 12-10, 11-1; Miss L. Berry beat Miss H. Buck, 11-3, 11-0; Misses Fernie and Berry beat Misses Usher and Buck, 15-0, 15-0; Ridyard and Miss Fernie beat Organ and Miss Usher, 15-6, 15-12; Jupp and Miss Berry beat Marris and Miss Buck, 15-6, 15-1. Winter Show beat Wellington II by default. Lower grade matches resulted:—C grade: Kelburn beat Winter Show, 10-6; D: Vauxhall beat H.V.0.P.A., 12-4; E: H.V.Y.M.C.A. beat Wesley,, 10-6; F: Southern beat Tinakori by default; G: Terrace beat H.V V.M.C.A., 15-1. Miss Usher's good fight against Miss Fernie in the first set was a feature of the A grade match. Miss Usher led 10-8, but could not collect the decisive point. Otherwise, Wimbledon were too strong all round.
Next week's fixtures are: Tuesday, Wimbledon 111 v. Wellington I (A grade); Wednesday, Wimbledon II v. Wellington II (A); V.M.C.A. v. Waiwhetu (D); Waterloo v. Waiwhetu (E); Thursday, St. John's v. Vauxhall (F); Friday, Winter Show v. St. Paul's (G); Harbour Board v. H.V.Y.M.C.A. (G); Tinakori v. Wimbledon (B).
Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 31, 5 August 1939, Page 24
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