SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. 2YA.—Dave Howard (saxophonist- - comedian). 2YC.—Vocal and instrumental recital. IYA.—-The Auckland Choral 3YA.—Variety programme. , 4YA.—Light Orchestra and ballad programme. 2YA, WELLINGTON (570 kc.).
! 5.0: Children's session, conducted by ■ Uncle Jasper. • > 6.0: ' Jack . Hylton Orchestra, l "Memories of Paris"; Paul Godwin Or- , chestra, "Maritana"; DebrOy Somers Band, "Stealing Through the Classics/' - No. 3 (Overtures). _. Orchestra Mascotte, "Monte , Cnsto' Waltz; Regal Cinema Orches- . tra, "Viennese Nights" Waltzes; Orchestra Mascotte, "Munchner Kindl" Waltz. . 6,33: Dajos Bela Orchestra, "Marien Klange ; Edith Lorand Orchestra, "Ave [ Maria"; Paul Godwin Orchestra, "The - Marionettes Guard Mounting"; Bern- "> hard Ette .Orchestra,. "You, Me, and Love. i _ 0.49: Paul: Godwin Orchestra, "The t Roses Bridal Procession"; De Groot [ Orchestra, "When the Great Red Dawn , is: Shining"; Bournemouth Municipal • Orchestra,''' Whispering Pines." 7.0: News and reports. i 7.30: Time signals. i ; 8.0:; ■ Dave Howard. English saxo- : phonist-comedian. - Billy Reid and his I Novelty Orchestra, "Billy Reid Popu- „ lar Medley," No. 1. ; 8.7: Evelyn Cartwright (soprano), • "Spring's ' Awakening"; "To People Who Have Gardens"; "The Fairy's i Lullaby." ■ 8.16: Dave Howard, English saxo- [ phonist-comedian, melody and mirth. t ■ 8.31: Peter Dawson (bass-baritone), „ "O, Sing to Me an Irish Song." " 8.36: The New Mayfair Orchestra, ! "Love, Life, and Laughter." 8.46: "Stars of Variety" (Flanagan). 8.52: Ena Cartwright (contralto), "Right in the Heart of June"; "Sundown"; "Old World Dance Songs." . 9.0: Weather. Station notices. l 9.5: Old-time dance programme, . Frank Crowther's Old-time Dance Orj chestra. Vocalist: Les Stapp. 10.0: Sports summary. 1 10.10 to-11.30: Old-time dance pro- ! gramme. ! 2YC, WELLINGTON (840 kc ). : > a 5.0 to 6.0: Light music. ' 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: Concerted vocal and solo instru- ■ mental recital. > 9.0: Melody and humour. [ 10.0 fo 10.30: Thirty bright minutes. ? 2YD, WELLINGTON (990 kc.). 7.0: "The Suggestion Box." 8.30: "Dance Time." Ambrose and ' his' Orchestra. , 8.40:, A, trailer. [ 9.20 to 10 pin.: "Soft Lights and Sweet Music." . ■ IYA, AUCKLAND (650 kc.). i .8.0: Auckland Choral Society, con- . ducted by Colin -Muston, L.R.A.M., . "Moonlight," "By Babylon's Wave." 8.15: Bronislaw Huberman (violin), ' "Moment Musical" (Schubert); Valse, Op, 70, No. 1 (Chopin). 8.21: The 1 Choir, 1 "Fair Ellen." , 8.31: Claudio Arrau (piano), "Fountains at the Villa i d'Este" .(Liszt).. .8.39: The Choir, ; Choral Fantasia. on Wagner's Opera, "The Mastersingers of Nuremberg." 8.52: Orchestra of the Concerts Colonne, Paris, "Espana" Rhapsody -(Chabrier). . 9.5: Coventry, Hippodrome Orchestra, "Welcome, Vienna" Selection (arr. Dostal):. , 9.8: Benny Ross and Maxine ■ Stone (musical sketch), "Yais." Benny Ross-(light vocal), "Parked in a Car With You.". 9.14: Ernest Jones (banjo), "Return of the Regiment" "The Kilties" (Grimshaw)., 9.20: Cyril Barnett (yodeller),' "Yodelling Boy," "Manny's YodeL" ; 9.26: The Eight-Piano Symphony, "Serenade in the Night" (Bixio, Kennedy)., 9.29: Al. Shaw and his -Hawaiaan Beachcombers, with' vocal trio, "Aloma;" "Oh! Muki Muki, Oh!" 9.35: Primo Scala's Accordian Band, "First a Girl" Selection, "Many Happy Returns of the Day" (Henry Hall). 9.41: ; Cyril Barnett. (yodeller), "Highland Yodel," "Mississippi Yodel." 9.47: Horst Schimmelpfennig (organ), "Un-j der the Starlit Sky" (Roland, "Little | Village Green" . (Hackforth).. 9.53: Jessie Matthews (light vocal), "Say the Word and It's Yours." 9.56: Orchestra Mascotte, "Blue Eyes" (Mackeben). 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10 to 11.15: Dance music. 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH (720 kc.). 6.0: Brighouse and Rastrick Prize Band, "The Royal Trophy" Quick March. The Deman String Quartet, German Dances, Minuet No. 1, -Marek Weber Orchestra, "Contrasts"—Potpourri of Famous Melodies. Polydor String Orchestra, "The Little Gingerbread House." 6.19: . Barnabas von Geczy and his Orchestra, "The Student Prince" Selection. Edmund Kurtz ('cello), Minuet. Paul Godwin's Orchestra. "Throbbing Heart" 6.34: Paul Godwin's Orchestra. "Talkative. Berliner Trio (three pianos), "American Tempo.*' Philharmonic Orchestra; Berlin. "In the Confectioner's Kitchen." 6.46: L'Orchestre Symphonique du Theatre Royal de la Monaie de Brussels, "La Fille de Madame Angot Fantasie. Paul- Godwin's Orchestra, "Cinderella's Bridal Procession." Band of H.M. Grenadier -Guards, "Knightsbridge" March., 7.0:, News and reports. 8 0: The London 1 Palladium Orchestra, "The Thistle" (Selection of Scotch Melodies) (Myddleton). 8.5: "Westward Ho!" Episode 13. 8.19: Reginald Foort , (organ) and male quartet, "In the Chapel- in _ the "Sleep, My Little One.. 8.25: . Broadcasting Burlesque, _'The National Programme." 8,34: Peter Dawson (bass-baritone), "Rudyard Kipling's Barrack Room Ballads." 8.43: Leslie Hutchinson (pianoforte), "Maurice Chevalier" Medley. 8.51: Columbia Artists, "Columbia on Parade," No. 2 (Crazy Pantomime). 9.5: 3YA Orchestra, "A May Day" Overture (Haydn Wood). John McCormack (tenor), "The Kerry Dance. Elsie Suddaby (soprano), "A May Morning. 3YA ■ Orchestra, "The Flower" Suite; "Dance: of the Roses," "Dance of the Pansies." "Dance of the Daisies" (Benyon). 9.23: 3YA Orchestra, Selections from "Miss Hook of Holland" (Rubens). Columbia Light .Opera Compaiiy, The Belle of New York" (Vocal Gems). 9.35: String Ensemble, "Close to Me (De Rose), "Seal it With a Kiss (Schwartz). 9.41: Light Opera Company, "Sunny Side Up" Vocal Gems. 3YA Orchestra, "The Love Race (Clark). Elsie and Dons - Waters (humour), "Gert and Daisy Write a Letter." 3YA Orchestra, , "Do t Fishes Kiss?" (Hass). : "Titania" (Robrecht). 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10 to Dance music. ■ 4YA; DUNEDIN (790 kc.). 8.0: 4YA Concert Orchestra, . "Raymond" Overture (Thomas). 8.10:-1. G. Taplin (baritone), "Sons of Our Northland"; "O Golden Sun." 8.16; The Orchestra, "On Your Toes Selection (Rodgers). 8.25: Rena Roche (mezzo-contralto), "Mother Town ; "Sweet Suffolk Owl"; "Sing Merrily Today." 8.34: The Orchestra. London Again" Suite: Oxford Street; Langbam Palace; Mayfair—Valse (Coates). 8.48: F. G. Taplin (baritone), "The Gunner"; "The Song of the Homeward Bound.'! 8.54: The Orchestra, Symphonic Arrangement: "When I'm Looking at You" (Stothart). 9.0: Weather. Station notices. 9.5: Dance music 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10 to 11.15: Dance music. EMPIRE BROADCAST. 7.0: Big Ben. . "At the Black Dog." 7.30: "Can You Beat It?— 1: The Case of the Threaded Whale." A talk by Captain Alan • Villiers. 7.45: Chamber music. . 8.15: Log," by Walter Fitzgerald. , . 8.25: News and announcements. Greenwich time signal at 8.30 p.m. 8.45: How materials are tested. 1 9.15: Close down. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10. 2YA—The Opera "Falstaft" (Verdi). ; 2YC—Light recitals. 1Y A—Symphonic and son* programme. - 3YA—Timaru Municipal Band. 1 4YA—Organ and piano recital. - ,2YA, WELLINGTON (570 kc,), 9.0: Recordings. ! ' 10.0: Weather for aviators. 11.0; Morning service from St. Paul's 1 Pro-Cathedral. Preacher: Rev. Gordon ' McKenzie. 1.0:. Weather for aviators, Dinner session.
2.0: Songs by Brahms. Alexander Kipnis (bass), with Gerald Moore a) the piano: "Standchen" (Op. 106, Na 1); "VergebUches Standchen" (Op. Bi, No. 4); "An Die Nachtigall" (Op. 43, No. 4; "Verraf" (Op. 105, No. 5). 4.0: Time signals. '4.30: Close down. 6.0: Children's song service. 7.0: Evening service from Wesley Methodist Church, Taranaki Street. Preacher: Rev. Percy Paris. Organist and choirmaster, Mr. H. Temple White. 8.30: Viola Morris and Victoria Anderson, English singers, in solos and duets. ' . 9.0: Weather. Station notices. 9.5: Verdi's opera, "Falstaff." Narrator: Stanley Oliver. , 11.0: Close down. . " 2YC, WELLINGTON (840 kc.). 6.0: Recordings. 8.30: "Music of the Mill." 9.0 to 10.0: Light recitals. 2YD, WELLINGTON (990 kc.). 7 p.m.: "Spotlight on British Cinema." » . 7.30: "At the Sunday Pops." 8.8: Melodies of the South Seas, Maui and Rangi. , . 8.23: Nat Shilkret's Orchestra, with Felix Knight - (baritone) and Mary Lewis (soprano). • 8.40: A Trailer. ■ . 8.45: Neapolitan Music.. 9.0: The Problem Corner, "The Black Veil." 9.30: "Around the Bandstand." 9.45 to 10.0: "Music at Your Fire, side." ■ ' - IYA, AUCKLAND (650 kc.). 9.0: Records. 11.0: Morning service from the Epsom Methodist Church. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Records. 3.30: "Night Ride and Sunrise" (a symphonic poem by Sibelius), the B:B.C. Symphony Orchestra. .4.30: Close down. 6.0: Childrens' song service. 7.0: Evening service from St. David's Presbyterian Church: 8.30: London Philharmonic * Orchestra, "Russia" (Symphonic ■poem) (Balakirew). 8.42: Franz : Volker (tenor), "My Country," "Mattinata."' 8.49: Thelma Willoughby. (piano>), Preludes (Felix Swinstead); Capriccio (York BOwen). 9.5: Orchestra de l'Association des Concerts Lamoureux, Paris, Tarantelle (Cui); Reverie for ' Horn (Glazounov). 9.13: Madame Annette Chapman (mezzo-soprano) (viola obbligato, Harold Baxter); Brahms's songs, "Gestillte Sehnsucht," , "Standchen," "Geistliches Wiegenlied" (with viola obbligato). 9.25 to 10.0: Yehudi Menuhin (soloist) and the Orchestre Symphonique of Paris, "Symphome Espagnole" (Lalo). 1 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH (720 kc.). 90: Records. 11.0: Morning, service from St. Saviour's Anglican Church. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Records. 3.0: "Portsmouth Point" Overture (William Walton). 4.0: Time signals. 4.2: Records. 4.30: Close down. 5.30: Children's song service. ,7.0: Evening meeting from Salvation Army-Citadel. Speaker: Adjutant W: Thompson. Bandmaster, Mr. N. GofflW. B.3o:lstate Opera Orchestra, Berlin, "The Magic Flute Overture (Mozart). 8.38; Richard Tau» ber (tenor), "Such a Game'; Serenade: "On With the Motley"; "Sleep, Song. 8.48: Nancy Estall, 'cello, with harp accompaniment, H. G. Glaysher, _An Eastern Love Song" (Grajnville Ban; tock); "Songs My Mother Taught Me (Dvorak); Serenade (Les Millions d'Arlequin") (Drigo); "Annie Laurie (arr. Liza Lehimnn)., 9.5: Timaru Municipal Band, • "On ToUr Contest March (White); "Adoration" Contest March (arr. Simpson); "From a Russian Village" Intermezzo (Marsden). 917- Peter. Dawson (bass-baritone). "The Floral Dance." 9.21: Cornet duet, with the Band, "Two Comrades (Runnier);' The Band, "Coriolanus," Op. 05 (Jenkins). 9.29: Peter Dawson (bassbaritone) . "Bedouin Love Song. 9.d<5: The Band. "Classica" Grand Selection (Ewing). 9.45: Peter Dawson (bassbaritone), "Th(i Kerry Dance/' 9.49 to 10: The Band, "Bohemian" Suite ( A Gipsy Love Story") Hume); "Scottish Airs" Medley (arr. Simpson). 4YA, DUNEDIN (790 kc.)» 9.0: Recordings. 11.0: Service from Moray Place Congregational Church. 1.0-.' District weather., Dinner music. 2.0: Recordings. 2.30: Piano and Orchestral Symphony (d'lndy), Marguerite Long and the Colonne Symphony Orchestra. ■3.0: Gilbert and Sullivau operas: "Trial' by Jux-y"; "The Sorcerer." 4.30: Close down. 5.30: Children's song service. 6.30: Evensong from Si Paul's Cathedral. Preacher: The Dean. Organist: Mr. E. H. -Heywood, F.R.C.O. - 8.15: Organ recital. Dr. V. E. Galwayl Dunedin City Organist. _ 9.25: Erks Male Choir, "Radetzky" March (Strauss); "The Gondolier* (Schubert). 9.33: Pianoforte, Charles Martin, Prelude and C.Sharp Major (Bach); Valse, Op: 12, No. 2 (Stajowski); "Heat Waves" (Livens); "Pfintalon Rouge" (McEwen); "Widmung'* (Schumann); "Sesguidallas," Op; 232, No ; 5 (Albeniz). 9.51 to 10.0; Boston Promenade Orchestra, Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23, No. 5 (Rachmaninoff); "Thais" Meditation (Massenet); "Sleeping Beauty" Waltz (Tschaikowsky). EMPIRE BROADCAST.' 7.0 , p.ip.: Big Ben. "The Alphas," presented by Frank Stewart. • ( 7.45: "This is England" . " (second series)./ Talks by representative English people: (1) Laurence Scott, distribution manager of a London evening newspaper..... Introduced by Anthony Weymouth. • • • 8.0: Weekly newsletter, sports. summary, and announcements. Greenwich time signal at 8.15 p.m. 8.25: A religious service (Salvation Army) from Regent Hall, London., Close down. IS THE ROPE TRICK A MYTH? AJ the monthly meeting of the Wellington Society of Magicians, held recently at Mr. G. Perry's' studio, the evening took the form of an informal discussion by members on several subjects of interest to the magical fraternity. ..■•■■■ Mr. H. Liardet described a cabinet illusion which is to be built by members and performed at future concerts in which the club assists. The question whether the Indian rope trick has ever been performed was discussed, and the unanimous conclusion of the club was that it is a "travellers' tale." The various wellknown accounts of people-who claim, to have seen the illusion were carefully i sifted and proclaimed toi be either wilfully or Unconsciously false. It ia , interesting to note that the English magician, David Devant, performed in the old Egyptian Hall an illusion cor- - responding very closely to the \tradi» tional description of the rope trick, but it has never been performed in the open air. Dante offered £1000 while in India to any person who could do so, but no replies were forthcoming..
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Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 87, 9 October 1937, Page 7
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1,861BROADCASTING Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 87, 9 October 1937, Page 7
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